The greatest thing that we are thankful for is Salvation and the Hope of Eternal Life given to us free by Our Savior Jesus Christ the King. We have great hope that we, after living through this “valley of tears”, will spend eternity in the presence of God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit. We will be with Mary and all the angels and saints rejoicing in God’s extreme love for ever.

But as we traditional Catholics believe, and know so well, it will take deep faith, prayer and a life in total conformity with God’s revealed truth. That is what we are so thankful for too, for the Church which passed on the truth and the Holy liturgy of all ages.

And thanks go to God for those Catholics who came before us and who, in their time, have been tortured and died to pass it on to us today. God is thanking them also forever in Heaven. Don’t forget God is grateful too, for every small action we offer to Him, the sick, the poor and strangers.

We are thankful to God for giving us Mary as our mother to give us Jesus graces and to intercede for us. She is always there when we need help and love.

We are thankful for the great sacrifice of Jesus on the cross that allows us to be forgiven of our sins in Holy Confession. We do not deserve it. But Jesus in His mercy, gives us the new life of Grace every time we really are sorry and humbly confess our sins.

We are also thankful to our parents and friends who passed on to us the Catholic faith by taking us to the baptismal font of new life as infants. Our family who shared the Bible and catechism with us.

We are thankful for LIFE. God gave us life through our parents. Thank God for keeping us in existence and for giving us the sun, the moon, the earth, the universe, food, water, family, children, joy, animals, plants, flowers and all that is contained int the universe.
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