Nun blames Catholic Church for damage done to transgender people
A prime example how the Newchurch of Francis has wandered so far from the Catholic faith. A liberal nun accusing the Catholic Church for hurting the feelings of transgender people so in secret she encourages and councils to their sick cause. Judging from the photos this is no bride of Christ she does not even wear a veil. The enemies of the church are within the walls of the Catholic Church. Why has she not been ex-communicated, where is her loyalty to Christ and his teachings?? ”Or know you not that your members are the temple of the Holy Ghost, who is in you, whom you have from God: and you are not your own? For you are bought with a great price. Glorify and bear God in your body” (1 Corinthians 6:19-2 – DRV). To mutilate your God-given body and to make oneself into a different sex is a gross immoral act. God will not be mocked!
Maureen Osborne’s mind started to wander. This was 2001, at a conference of the organization now called the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, which took place that year in Galveston, Texas. Several hundred people filled the room. Another panel, another question-and-answer period. Osborne is a Philadelphia-based psychologist, and at the time more and more of her therapy practice was focusing on patients struggling with gender identity. There was a lot to take in at these panels, not all of it useful. And then something caught her attention.
“I heard, without looking or seeing, a woman’s voice,” she remembers. “She was publicly apologizing to all the transgender people in the world for the damage done to them by the Catholic Church.” Though not trans, Osborne had grown up Catholic and felt damaged by the church herself.
Osborne’s head turned. At the microphone where people were asking questions, there was a small woman with a determined posture, prominent cheekbones and close-cropped dark hair beginning to gray. Her intonation betrayed a drawl. She went on to say that she was a nun, and had begun ministering in the trans community and had come to the conference to learn how to be better at it. There was a standing ovation.
“I was speechless,” Osborne says.
William Widmer for Al Jazeera America
Call this nun Sister Monica, though that’s not her real name. At the request of her congregation, her name can’t be used here. Nor can the congregation be named; U.S. women’s congregations have been under fresh scrutiny from the Vatican in recent years, in part because of the allegedly “radical feminist themes” in their theology. But more than any theology, it was encountering the lives of transgender people that turned this sister into a radical.
After the session, Osborne was one of the many who clustered around Monica to meet her. In the years since, she has sent more than a dozen of her clients the nun’s way. Osborne tries to help her clients reconcile with their loved ones during the transition process, which can be especially hard when old-time religion becomes an excuse for rejection and disownment. In those cases, a nun can do what secular therapy on its own cannot. At the very least, Osborne might ask Monica to pray — say, about her client’s upcoming coming-out to a Catholic spouse — and then forwards along Monica’s promise to do so.