Pope Francis silent as usual!!!
Argentina bishop approves baptism for child of gay ‘married’ couple, pro-gay president is godmother
Córdoba, Argentina, April 3, 2014 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Karina Villarroel and Soledad Ortiz will become the first lesbian “married” couple to have a child receive Catholic baptism in Argentina Saturday in a ceremony at the Cathedral of the Archdiocese of Cordoba that observers fear is a ploy to subvert Catholic teaching on marriage.
Argentinean President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, who was instrumental in the passage of same-sex “marriage” in 2010, has agreed to act as godmother.
Villarroel and Ortiz with baby Umma
“We had a hearing with Archbishop [Carlos] Ñáñez and he told us there was no problem with our daughter being baptized in the Cathedral,” Villarroel told the local newspaper, La Voz del Interior.
According to local church sources this baptism “would have been much more difficult if Jorge Bergoglio were not the Pope.”
In September of 2012, Bergoglio, then archbishop of Buenos Aires, ordered all priests to administer the sacrament of baptism to all infants, be they children of single mothers or other out of wedlock situations. Archbishop Bergoglio warned priests against being hypocritical in the administration of the sacraments and driving people away from salvation.
According to the Code of Canon Law, for an infant to be baptized in the Catholic Church “there must be a founded hope that the infant will be brought up in the Catholic religion.”
“If such hope is altogether lacking, the baptism is to be delayed according to the prescripts of particular law after the parents have been advised about the reason,” canon 868 §1 adds.
However, the couple has made comments suggesting they do not intend to raise the child in the Catholic faith.
“We come from Catholic families but do not go to church often ourselves,” Villaroel, the non-biological “parent,” told media. “We want to baptize her and then the baby can decide what she wants to do, and follow her own heart.”
The two lesbian women told Argentinian news sources that they had met with Archbishop Carlos Ñañez personally who in turn gave undisclosed “special instructions” to Father Carlos Varas for registering the baptism.
In an attempt to deal with the grave canonical problems Archbishop Ñañez reportedly instructed Father Varas to be especially careful in the selection of godparents. The parents themselves will be asked during the rite of baptism to profess their faith and reject sin.
It remains to be seen who will be listed as the child’s mother on the baptismal certificate, and some fear the women will push to both be listed as mother.
In September of last year a pastor in the Church of England refused to list two lesbian women as mothers on a baptismal certificate. Rev. George Gebauer did not refuse to perform the ceremony but did refuse to register both women as mothers, asking that one of them be listed merely as a godmother. The Church of England corrected the pastor publicly and proceeded to list the two women as mothers.
Karina Villarroel, the non-biological “parent” of baby Umma, is currently suing the police department of Cordoba for dismissing her after she insisted on taking a “maternity” leave of 180 days.
The baptism is scheduled for this Saturday, April 5th at the Cathedral of Cordoba.
LifeSiteNews contacted the Archdiocese of Cordoba but did not hear back by press time.
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