Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus
St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, ora pro nobis!

Another Round? New Claim that Bishop Fellay Met with Pope Francis/ Offical Response From SSPX

By John Vennari
A May 10 report from Rorate Caeli claims that Bishop Fellay has quietly met with Pope Francis. The report reads:
“Rorate has learned and can exclusively confirm that Bishop Bernard Fellay, the Superior General of the Society of Saint Pius X (Fraternité Sacerdotale Saint-Pie X – FSSPX / SSPX), was received by Pope Francis in the Domus Sanctae Marthae sometime in the past few months. In order to protect our sources, we cannot detail the date and persons involved in the meeting, but only generally locate it in time – if the current pontificate so far can be divided into two halves, the meeting took place in the second half.

“We can also add as part of this exclusive information that it was not a merely fortuitous event – that is to say, many off-the-record meetings with His Holiness have taken place since his election precisely because his being at Saint Martha’s House make him much more accessible and available than many previous pontiffs. No, that was not the case at all – the pope was previously duly informed and duly met Bishop Fellay. The meeting was apparently short and cordial.

“The Pope has a true interest in resolving this situation, it seems to be understood by our sources.”

As I write (May 11) SSPX leadership has yet to confirm or deny that the meeting occurred. Is it true or yet another rumor? No doubt the SSPX will soon issue some sort of public response.

On my part, I am neither surprised nor scandalized if this meeting took place. Archbishop Lefebvre was well aware that the SSPX is not an entity unto itself, but part of the Catholic Church. As such, he always responded if the Pope wished to meet with him. The SSPX has spoken with every Pope since the Council, and I never thought it would be any different under Pope Francis.

However, if there are discussions with Francis, I do not think these meetings will produce any sort of Agreement. I do not think deliberations with Pope Francis will be favorable to Tradition. Nor do I think the SSPX will compromise.

It is said that “the Pope has a true interest in resolving this situation,” but it is hard to know exactly what this means, especially from Papa Bergolgio’s context. In his short time in the Vatican, Francis already has a track record of derogatory comments about traditional Catholics. 

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