‘Be brave, now…for the Church has already been invaded by Freemasonry!’ and then stated: ‘Freemasonry has already made it into the loafers (shoes) of the Pope!’ At the time, the reigning “Pope” was Paul VI – Padre Pio
Henceforth the enemy of the Church is no longer outside the Church; he is now within. - Pius X
Briefing on the meeting with prayer at the Vatican, broad synthesis
(New.va) Briefing at the Press Office of the Holy See, to present the performance of the “Invocation for Peace”, to which Pope Francis has invited the presidents Shimon Peres and Mahmoud Abbas. The event will take place at the Vatican in the late afternoon of Sunday, June 8. Present at the briefing, Father Pizzaballa, Custos of the Holy Land, Father Federico Lombardi, director of the Press Office of the Holy See. Father Lombardi recalled the invitation from the Pope to the two presidents during his trip to the Holy Land “together with me to raise an intense prayer asking God for the gift of peace. I offer my home to the Vatican to host this prayer meeting. We all want peace. The event – said Father Lombardi – begins on Sunday afternoon with the arrival of two presidents in the Vatican
The place where the event takes place – said Father Lombardi – is a beautiful triangular meadow that lies between the Casina Pio IV, the Academy of Sciences and the Vatican Museums. This triangle is oriented toward the dome of St. Peter. So it’s a very nice place, very interesting, in the Gardens; The meeting takes place between two high hedges,so it’s an intimate environment.
There are delegations and singers. The open side towards the Museums, where it passes the road – said Father Lombardi – is the side where you will find the press, where journalists who want to follow their colleagues have a space adequate enough to be able to see and have, therefore, the whole event in this large triangle that is in front of them.
The delegations have already taken place in this triangle, and the four main characters: the Pope, the two presidents and Patriarch Bartholomew – down from their car and walk undertake this triangular space and arranged to come to their homes, to the tip of the triangle.
When our protagonists have taken place to their homes, there will be the Pope between the two presidents – President Peres to the right and to the left of President Abbas and the Patriarch in a separate location, near and with particular location, start time of this invocation for peace. There is an opening musical, there is a brief introduction in English that explains the course of the event, and then there are three stages that take place in chronological order of the three religions, that is, before the time of Judaism, then the Christianity and then to Islam. The Jewish time, of course, has lyrics in Hebrew; time Christian texts in English, Italian and Arabic; time Muslim texts in Arabic. The ternary diagram is first a time to give thanks for the Creation, then a moment of asking for forgiveness, then a moment of prayer for peace in all three moments of the three religions. There are some very simple musical interludes, edited by Msgr.Dove with the collaboration of musicians. At the beginning there is a string quartet that will perform Simon Baber the adage of the String Quartet in B minor; then, in later Hebrew, there will be a clarinet and two violins with Jewish music on the theme of peace; Christian will be used when a harp and a flute;Muslim at the time, and each course will use a violin melodies characteristics and suitable to accompany the texts chosen for the prayers.
Freemasonry which is the mother of them all! – Pope Pius XII
Ven. Pope Pius XII ora pro nobis!
Continue reading - http://www.news.va/it/news/briefing-sullincontro-di-preghiera-in-vaticano
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