Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus
St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, ora pro nobis!

Chaldean Patriarchate: “Save the Christians of Mosul.” In the Vatican, on the other hand!!!

The entire Christian community in Mosul, Iraq’s second city last month fall into the hands of the jihadists of the Islamic state, was forced to flee in the last hour, after which the militants had ordered them to convert to Islam or pay the Jiziya, the price of the ‘protection’ provided by the ancient religious minorities in Islamic law.
The witnesses said areas of Nineveh province and the autonomous Kurdish region, where thousands of refugees are coming. ( ReutersUpdated : “In the end, this morning announced through megaphones Isil mosques that Christians must leave the city, or pay the jizya (ie fee ‘protection’, ed) or become Muslims.  When Christians started to leave the house, the elements Işil stopped them and robbed of everything, money, valuables and even cars, forcing them to leave the city on foot. “

Photo Copyright © ANSA

 July 19 - ” All those who have power in Iraq and around the world take action to save the Christians of Mosul, robbed and driven from the city à “ .
And ‘the appeal launched by Shlemon Warduni, Deputy Patriarch of the Chaldean Church in Iraq, in response to the measures that the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isil), June 9 that took control of Mosul, is taking against the local Christian community.
Against this minority, has been released today a new order to leave the city.
Iraq: Jihadis Isil mark the door of the Christians in Mosul, “home expropriated” and stop food ISIL_case_cristiani
A few days ago, militiamen Işil have marked all the houses of the Christians with the Arabic letter ‘ N ‘, which stands for’ Nasrani ‘, ie’ Christian ‘(plur. Nasara), and with the words ” Property of the State Real Estate Islamic . ” (*)
In addition, traders have been warned Christians from distributing food rations subsidized by the government and the same has happened to the electricity distributors.
“The Isil called yesterday with an official letter to all representatives of the Christian community to participate in a meeting to organize the issue of housing in the city,” says Warduni Aki-Adnkronos International.
“However – he continues – the letter arrived late to some of them, while others have chosen not to show up for fear of what awaited them, and consequently no one has responded to this invitation.”
 ” In the end, this morning Isil announced through loudspeakers of mosques that Christians must leave the city, or pay the jizya (ie fee ‘protection’, ed) or become Muslims , “says Warduni.
” When Christians started to leave the house, the elements Işil stopped them and robbed of everything, money, valuables and even cars, forcing them to leave the city on foot , “he adds.
Vatican to Muslims: “congratulations and best wishes for Ramadan”  (!!!)
“How could such a thing happen in 2014?” Asks the patriarchal vicar.
” Where are we, where is Iraq, where there are human rights? “continues Warduni, which calls for” the UN and the international community to intervene to resolve this unacceptable situation and with respect to which the Iraqi government is totally absent “.
” The whole world should know what is happening in our country today, “says the bishop, stating that” in the past we have never spoken in this way, but you can not silence this situation . “
Warduni then a “call to countries neighbors, such as Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, to intervene to find a solution to the problem of Christians “in Iraq. ( IMOLA TODAY )

July 19 – More and more ‘dramatic the situation for Christians in Iraq. The episcopal palace of Syrian Catholics in Mosul and ‘was burned by Sunni jihadists of the Islamic State (is) just expired the ultimatum set by the militia of the State to the Christian citizens. reported The Patriarch of the Syrian Catholic Church, Ignace Joseph III Younan . Patriarch met this morning in the Vatican, Archbishop Dominique Mamberti, Secretary for Relations with States. ( NOTE OUR Vatican environments we have pointed out that the Syriac Catholic Patriarch was not - yet - received in audience by the Holy Father ‘ by Vatican Secretary of State – write this July 20, 2014 at 9:00 am . everything is possible in the next few hours … ). The news reports are disastrous: ” Our archbishop in Mosul and ‘was completely burnt:manuscripts ( of enormous historical value Ed) , library … and they have already ‘threatened that, if you do not convert to Islam, all Christians will be killed.  E ‘terrible! This is ‘a disgrace to the community’ international , “said Younan in Vatican Radio, inviting them to “suspend all financial aid” to the extremists. ( IMOLA TODAY )
(*)  Nun (ن) , the letter of the Arabic alphabet 14 (the equivalent of the letter N in our Roman alphabet), is the first letter of the word Nasara (نصارى: Nazarenes) . And ‘the way in which the Muslims called Christians from the beginning of their invasion in the seventh century of the Christian world.  
Terrorists Muslims put the letter Nun (ن) on Christian homes in Mosul to move more quickly to the confiscation of their buildings and the expulsion of Christian families.
islam will never submit

(**) “Towards a genuine brotherhood between Christians and Muslims” ( sic! ) is the title of the Post that the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, addressed to the faithful of Islam to the end of Ramadan (Id al- H./2014 Fitr 1435 AD). 
The document is signed by Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, President of the Council, and the Father Miguel Ángel Ayuso Guixot MCCJ, Secretary of the Pontifical Council. 
Recalling that in 2013, the first year of his Petrine ministry, the Holy Father Francis had personally signed the message on the occasion of ‘Id-al Firt, Cardinal Tauran also cites the Angelus of 11 August 2013, in which the Pope had greeted Muslims as “our brothers”!!!! (sic!)  
“We all recognize – the text reads – the significance of these words. 
In fact, Christians and Muslims are brothers and sisters in one human family, created by the one God. ‘
“Meanwhile, the poor Christians of ‘Iraq (and Syria) after 20 centuries of history are almost extinct: killed, robbed, hungry, humiliated, tortured, then murdered in the deafening silence of the media world. ” AC

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