Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus
St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, ora pro nobis!

The message from the Vatican to the end of Ramadan!!

francis call me judas effect

“Developing a genuine brotherhood between Christians and Muslims” is the title of the message that the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue to the faithful of Islam to the end of Ramadan (Id al-Fitr 1435 H./2014 AD).The document is signed by Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, President of the Council, and the Father Miguel Ángel Ayuso Guixot MCCJ, Secretary of the Pontifical Council.

Recalling that in 2013, the first year of his Petrine ministry, the Holy Father Francis had personally signed the message on the occasion of ‘Id-al Firt, Cardinal Tauran also cites the Angelus of 11 August 2013, in which the Pope had greeted Muslims as “our brothers.” “We all recognize – the text reads –the significance of these words. In fact, Christians and Muslims are brothers and sisters in one human family, created by the one God. “
The Post also recalled the words of Pope John Paul II addressed to some Muslim religious leaders in 1982, Nigeria: “All of us, Christians and Muslims live in the sunshine of a single merciful God. We all believe in one God, the Creator of Man. We acclaim the Lordship of God and defend the dignity of man as a servant of God adore God and profess total submission to him. In this sense, then, can we call each other brothers and sisters in the faith in one God. “
“Let us give thanks to the Most High – says the document – for all that we have in common, despite being aware of our differences. We perceive the importance of promoting a fruitful dialogue based on mutual respect and friendship. Inspired by our shared values ​​and strengthened by our feelings of genuine brotherhood, we are called to work together for justice, peace and respect for the rights and dignity of every person. We feel particularly responsible for the most needy, the poor, the sick, orphans, migrants, victims of human trafficking and all those who suffer from any form of addiction. “
“As we know, the present world is facing serious challenges that require solidarity from the people of good will. - Note the Message – These challenges include threats to the environment, the crisis of the global economy and high levels of unemployment, especially among young people. Such situations create a sense of vulnerability and a lack of hope for the future. Nor should we forget the problems faced by so many families who have been separated, leaving their loved ones and often small children. We work together, therefore, to build bridges of peace and promote reconciliation, especially in areas where Muslims and Christians suffer together the horror of war. “
“May our friendship – it is written in the message finally – always inspire us to cooperate in dealing with these many challenges with wisdom and prudence. In this way we can help to reduce tensions and conflicts, advancing the common good. We will show also that religions can be a source of harmony for the benefit of the whole society. “
“We pray that reconciliation, justice, peace and development remain our first priority, for the welfare and good of the entire human family. With Papa Francesco, you turn our cordial wishes for a joyous celebration of a life of prosperity and peace. “
Source: VIS

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