Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus
St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, ora pro nobis!

U.S. Dominicans force Kasper’s “theology on his knees!”

heretic 2

An essay, Cardinal Kasper to force “theology on his knees” (Pope Francis) to his knees!

(New York) In a twenty-page essay explaining eight professors at American papal faculties, including seven Dominicans, no ifs and buts, why the forthcoming episcopal synods can not change the current teaching and practice and will change. An essay, Cardinal Kasper to force “theology on his knees” (Pope Francis) to his knees.
An authorization remarried divorcees to the sacraments, be excluded: “It is simply not possible, those who remain in adultery, to be admitted to Holy Communion and at the same time to affirm the teachings of the Council”. The article “
New proposals for the pastoral concern regarding the divorced and remarried: A theological evaluation “is forthcoming in the American journal Nova et Vetera appear. The German translation is in Catholic theology forum appear. The authors are: John Corbett OP, Andrew Hofer OP, Paul J. Keller OP, Dominic Langevin OP, Dominic Legge OP, Kurt Martens, Thomas Petri OP and Thomas Joseph White OPalready the essay on the website of the journal has been published and this equal in five languages, so that it is understood worldwide and influenced the discussion, which will be really the case.

Comprehensive presentation of complex topics

The article highlights in a comprehensive manner and from different angles the problem of divorce, remarriage and the approval remarried divorcees to receive communion. The topic is presented in a dogmatic, moral and canonical sense, and starting from there answered the pastoral question. The authors insist especially on the “unanimous consensus” with which the Second Vatican Council and the recent Popes gave its opinion on the question. The emphasis is on because the promoters of a “new way” is called in a special way to the recent council.

cardinal kasper heretic

Attacks on priest celibacy part of the same strategy

The paper examined under a magnifying glass as alleged by Cardinal Kasper thesis that the “new way” merely meant a change in pastoral, not doctrinal terms. A thesis, which is disclosed as a mistake. The authors are also directed against the insidiously pervasive loss of confidence in the means of grace to the church. The possibility of grace to live in chastity (even in marriage) will now lightly dismissed as useless. Instead, the same circles would push for a pastoral “solution” that – in their view – only in the re-admission remarried divorcees could be to the sacraments. In this context, the authors are to be seen the constant, parallel attacks taking place against the priest celibacy in the Latin Church.

Protestantisierende trends

Finally, the authors show that behind the attempts to torpedo the indissolubility of sacramental marriage, the Protestant spirit enemies: “The Reformation denied in a direct manner the content of teaching of the Church concerning marriage and human sexuality and used it arguments that the used today are quite similar. “
The authors refer to concrete recommendations for the Synod of Bishops of the clear conclusion: “The clear exposition of the truth of the natural law in relation to the universal call to Christian love, the family would offer a support against the powerful destabilizing tendencies, in many places gain the upper hand.”

Instead of “new solutions” was needed an audible announcement of the Doctrine of the Faith

The publication of the essay in five languages ​​not only increases its spread and impact, but also prevents possible translation errors and resulting misunderstandings.
The authors arrive at their attachment to the conclusion that the present time is not “new solutions” in need, but a re-audible and visible annunciation of going back to Christ Catholic teaching on marriage and family. The Ortho practice can never be in conflict with orthodoxy, since the former can be seen from the latter and without this can not be.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi

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