An insult to the Catholic faithful Caserta
* Translation off due to google translate
Now, I do not know if it’s true what Margheriti Mastino and Sandro Magister writes about the Pope’s visit to Caserta. But if it is, we must draw conclusions about the mental state of the successor of Peter. ‘m beginning to Mastiff: “The pope, motu proprio, had announced plans to visit Caserta on 26 July. But not as head of the Church, not to meet the Catholics of the place, not for a pastoral visit. But on a private visit, as any Mr. Smith, his friend John Traettino, pastor of a Protestant denomination that is building on the outskirts of Caserta his church, the so-called Reconciliation. But even a greeting to the Catholics, not even a minute of rest in the Cathedral. The faithful of Caserta have not sent down (…) “, as was to be expected. There have been several attempts to reason with Bergoglio that “the day that the pope had chosen to pay homage to the leader of the Protestant Traettino and his church under construction, July 26, it was the day of St. Anne, the patron to Caserta. Truly amazing that the Pope has chosen a day so improvident. “
An insult to the Catholic faithful Caserta, whose father is. The explanation given is that the Pope “did not want to contaminate elements too confessional (sic) that appointment all tended to ecumenism as he understands it.” Bergoglio has stepped on the foot, stubborn. “Just did not want to visit the Diocese of Caserta, after the appointment with the Pentecostal Traettino friend.” And “the insistence of the employees, that it was desperation, he further angered.” Pope gets irritated, the Pope does not listen to advice, do not accept reason; (As they say in Rome) is intigna; we have already seen – for example, to respond to criticisms raised by his second interview with Scalfari by publishing as a “teaching” the Vatican before the interview, that he had agreed to remove: a resurgence of blind rage, which is benevolent define childish. We continue the second story Margheriti Mastino: “The bishop (Caserta) D’Alise, increasingly pressed by his followers, has tried everything to everything, and to avoid any further papal refusal (…) took a pen and paper and wrote on behalf of all of Caserta and the Diocesan Secretary of State Pietro Parolin, taking care to make public the almost heartbreaking letter addressed to the Pope: “Your Holiness, meetings also my fellow citizens,” ie, the Catholics, who would be satisfied ” to have even a fleeting embrace. ” Gesture to the new bishop of Caserta, who was appointed a few months ago just by Francis, could costar dear: it is said that the Pope was angry for being so “stuck.”Rumors whisper that if Francis is linked to the finger, and a year long, remove from Caserta good Msgr. D’Alife. ” if the Pope binds to the finger, the Pope takes his revenge, the Pope does not forgive. ” After many negotiations tremebonde the Secretariat of State, the Pope has opted for the more complicated, expensive and even extravagant agreed to make a quick visit for July 26 in Caserta, on the occasion of the patronal feast, celebrate a Mass in a hurry and rush back to Rome. But then one day after returning to Caserta, 28, in “strictly private visit ‘only and only for his friend Pentecostal Traettino. Without “contamination” Catholic, which may disturb the Protestants. The reason for this stubborn will of Bergoglio to meet the Protestant preacher, “John Traettino, met in 2006 in Buenos Aires during a debate with the then archbishop of the capital of Argentina” without Catholic contamination, according to Sandro Magister, “is part of an effort to more wide-ranging that Pope Francis is making to capture the sympathies of the world leaders of those movements evangelical and Pentecostal especially in Latin America are the most formidable competitors of the Catholic Church, tear to which large masses of faithful .. Evangelical and Pentecostal Christians, arose a century ago in Protestant circles, they had a spectacular expansion. It is estimated that today nearly one-third of the approximately two billion Christians in the world, and three-quarters of Protestants.
It is the success of these Christianists to fascinate the Pope The criterion of success to which Christ did not remain faithful: he died bankrupt and delinquent, his twelve disciples squagliarono rather than defend it, and one betrayed him. Magister As told , the cordial meetings Bergoglio with televangelists were very thickened since the Pope: “On June 4, the pope met with long residence in Santa Marta some evangelical leaders in the United States, including the famous televangelist Joel Osteen, the California pastor Tim Timmons Westmont College and the president of the Evangelical Gayle D. Beebe. On June 24, another meeting. This time with the Texas televangelist James Robinson and Kenneth Copeland, with Bishop Anthony Palmer of the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches, with their spouses John and Carol Arnott of Toronto and other prominent religious leaders.There were also Geoff Tunnicliffe and Brian C. Stiller, respectively secretary general and “ambassador” of the World Evangelical Alliance.The meeting lasted three hours and went for lunch in the refectory of Santa Marta, where the Pope, amid great laughter, he beat a five open palms with Pastor Robinson (see photo). Magister informs us that two of the above tele-Pentecostals, “Copeland and Osteen are proponents of prosperity theology , according to which more in each faith grows greater the wealth. They themselves are very rich and lead an expensive lifestyle. But Francis has saved them a sermon on poverty. ‘ One of these guests, Brian C. Stiller, known as the Ambassador of the World Evangelical Alliance, has left us an account of the meeting ridanciano, Lunch with the Pope . “According to reports from ‘ Stiller ambassador, the Pope assured them: “I’m not interested in converting to Catholicism, evangelical. On many points of doctrine we are not in agreement. We just show the love of Jesus. ” We had already learned that the Pope considers the “doctrine” of the Catholic merely a hindrance, a burden to which Catholics must free ourselves, or else they fail to “show the love of Jesus.” To cronies Pentecostals also the Pope “” He also said that he had learned from his friendship with the pastor Traettino that the Catholic Church, with its imposing presence, it’s too obstacle to growth and to the testimony of these communities. And for this reason he had decided to visit the Pentecostal community of Caserta, “to apologize for the difficulties you give to the community. ‘” Even to ask for forgiveness.
So, let’s see: Bergoglio was elected Pope by the Conclave to promote the expansion of the Pentecostal community (Protestant) Caserta? The Committee regrets that the Catholic Church, “with its imposing presence” prevents the growth and testimony of Protestants. We got it right? Yes Indeed, he openly declared Catholics Caserrta – to be punished, since they had the hateful, disgraceful pretense of them also receive the visit of the Pontiff them – “that he comes back (the next day) in Caserta on Monday to” ask forgiveness “to Traettino for the hassles that produces Catholic community – which is all Caserta, in this case – and therefore to the difficulties that the widespread presence of Catholics, with their churches, creates the spread and proliferation of Pentecostal denomination of Traettino , always in Caserta. Mastiff recalls that, Scalfari, Bergoglio said to be “absolutely contrary to the” foolishness of proselytism “Catholic”;but on the other hand, manifestly, it is “far from being unfavorable to proselytism Pentecostal, though, as has been shown, it is to the detriment of the Catholic Church.” And you are not limited to this: he said that asked forgiveness from evangelicals (such as The Messenger wrote Saturday) for the alleged fascist persecution, for the “responsibility”, as alleged, in Italian, Caserta and Catholics in the issue of the racial laws which, it says the bishop of Rome, have damaged mainly the evangelical community. Things that probably, say, the phone will be recommended for the same Traettino. ” Perfect: the Pope does not listen to the Catholics, refuses to lend an ear to the reasons of the faithful who followed (Franciscans of the Immaculate). But instead you drink the narrative of this Treattino, that unreason and tells him about the responsibilities of Catholics (and Caserta in particular) in the fascist persecution and racial laws that have hit “especially the Protestants’ … And went to ask for forgiveness on behalf of the whole Church and for us who believe, as well as the aforementioned imaginary crimes, even in this: having hindered, for the fact of its existence, the flourishing of the Protestants in Caserta.
It should at once to see who is this John Treattino, which tells the balls that Bergoglio you drink, this friend which was burning to go “private visit” but publicized. Where is he from?Since PCI. Is it true then that he met the Holy Spirit, like all christianists-born-again Americans. And like them, it has become a antipapist anti-Catholic fanatic rails against the cult of the Virgin and the saints, hate the Real Presence sees only as a superstition. “In 2003 he released the encyclical Ecclesia de Eucharistia Wojtyla, Traettino her and said in a sermon he criticized the Pope, accusing him of” bring the Church to the Council of Trent. ‘” But the meeting with some charismatic Catholics possessed by the spirit (Ecumenical) has changed things. Treattino in fact receives provisions directly by God, as revealed in his blog. writes: “Then the Lord said to me:” Arise! It should be ‘with them, doubting nothing, for I have sent them.’ ” On the eve of Pentecost, in Bari, God met him again, and told him: “‘Tomorrow wash the feet of one of the leaders of the Charismatic Renewal.” “Sir – I said – you can not! You know that it is not lawful for a conservative evangelical Catholics to join in our country. ‘” (…) At the end gives Traettino: “I tried to resist but to the Lord … He conquered me.” On the orders of God, Traettino given to the mission: “Reconciliation” with Catholics. Some Protestant groups hostile complain – something for which we are grateful – that the communication received from the minister of God, “is the fruit of his imagination, and not a divine command. We see in this act an act smart to grab the hearts of Catholics. Gesture that was reciprocated by the Catholics at the XIX National Congress of the RNS, the kissing of the feet. ” It alludes to the fact that in Bari in 1992, in front of hundreds of Catholic charismatics (Rinnovameno ì in the Spirit, RNS), during a typical rally syncretistic, Traettino washed the feet of a Franciscan pentecostalista, moved to tears. “With this gesture it seemed as if grasping the evangelical world to forgive their persecutors.”(The persecutors would we Catholics). For the Protestant splinter groups that criticize this ecumenism with the papists, Traettino “explains who have got it wrong: if anything, it was the Pope to have to” reconcile with the true Jesus Christ. “Abandoning the doctrine of the Church, the source of division. Sic. crafty The pastor remains steadfast in his mission: “Reconciliation is possible, as long as the Church of Rome put away his human doctrines.” That is, the Magisterium … And of course the outdated, pagan belief in the Real Presence of the Eucharist. Removed from this superstition Catholic hearts, they will converge to subordinates in the “church” invented by Traettino, in order to melt into Protestantism by televangelists. Of course, after having received from him a second baptism, not being the Catholic invalid. ‘s just the Holy Spirit?
This prospect of merger does not fail to impress even svaporati prestigious members of the Catholic charismatic. “The Holy Spirit is at work to break down sectarianism and every human barrier and the Church. With the unit enjoyable and observable enjoyed by the Trinity.The Trinity is the church before the church, “rejoiced monk Raniero Cantalamessa, preacher of the apostolic pope, on RAI 1, renewing his request for forgiveness of Catholics (for and on behalf of what you do not know).” Now, it is impossbile not notice that the Pope which is diverting two thousand years the Church in this merger irenistica, reveals a character seriously lacking and a state of mind disturbed, disturbing, for one called by Heaven to work so high. As we have seen, Better World is one that stamps her feet , which makes the tantrums; one that his closest collaborators are struggling to hold back from making offensive gestures or insanely impulsive – like the one to go to find the friend of Caserta who has infatuated, never mind the Catholics and their bishop. It is a subject to anger and to give punishment under the impulse of anger; acting or because the twitch or jump out of spite, to annoy; that if the league’s finger, which takes its revenge; one subject to irrational likes and dislikes, but imperious; sudden illness is one that pretends to miss such important meetings with groups of believers; a rude that mortifies the next (if he disliked) and that it imposes so humiliating to those who go to genius … in a word, is one, to say the least, with serious defects of character. That shows signs of mental imbalance, with no sense of proportion and attention to our neighbor, who is not ashamed to show his serious character flaws, or does not know nor want to moderate them. One who subverts lightly teaching of his predecessors, who puts in brackets as a nuisance doctrine of the two millennia of the Church …. And this would be the man in whom “the Holy Spirit is at work to break down sectarianism and every human barrier and the Church “? It does not seem right that shows the virtues of the Holy Spirit who encourages, wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, fear of God contrary shows all the characteristics of an unbalanced personality and distressed, without balance, in need of psychiatric care. Or perhaps even more decisive treatment. Seriously and with pain: what kind of “spirit” lives on today Bergoglio, and makes him eager to visit the Protestant friend offending his faithful children, yearning to merge the church in seven of the televangelists? Circulating on the web the famous photo showing the then Cardinal Bergoglio “while on his knees, you lay hands on some charismatic Pentecostal pastors, standing next to a smiling and satisfied Cantalamessa.”
Protestants bless Cardinal Bergoglio 2006
If this “makes sense on the web,” is Satanic because it suggests a reversal: the Pope who do not kneel before the Blessed Sacrament, kneels in front of the pastors of Protestantism more sinister; a Catholic bishop, head down, do you lay hands on a man, a layman who does not even claim to have priestly hands. Now, either that’s a blasphemous parody of the imposition of hands with which the Apostles invoked the Spirit upon the faithful, without any real effect on the soul and sacramental Bergoglio; or is the effective transmission of a “spirit”, which now inhabits the Pontiff. these charismatic Protestant leaders are celebrated to keep busy sessions where they get “healing” of their faithful previously possessed and mesmerized, merged into the collective with songs and choruses; possessed by the spirit, they “speak the language” and are ready to see “signs and wonders” performed by their leaders. Of course, to take any good paranormal event as coming from above … a time, the Church recommended the “discrimination of spirits”, and the priests were instructed to operate the “discernment of spirits”, they knew that to judge whether a particular act or series of acts have originated from the Holy Spirit, or by the evil spirit from the human spirit. wisdom does not seem that this is more taught, nor that the Bergoglio grow, if you lay hands on a guy in the middle of one of these sessions that lorsignori call “invoke the Spirit”, without even suspecting that they may produce invasameno and possession. I will just mention briefly what signs to the Church recognizes (va) if to suggest the actions of a man is not an evil spirit, but the Holy : Truth If a person continues to support opinions openly contrary to the revealed truth, the infallible teaching of the Church, or proven theology, philosophy or science, we must conclude that it is deceived by the devil or the victim of excessive imagination or a fallacious reasoning. Docility Who is guided by the Holy Spirit agrees with the deep peace council and the opinion of the brothers who exercise authority over him, showing feelings of humility and hiddenness.Discretion The Holy Spirit makes the person discreet, prudent and careful in everything he undertakes. Nothing is hasty, frivolous, exaggerated or impetuous; everything is well balanced, uplifting, calm and peaceful. PaceThe person experiences a profound and stable serenity in the depths of his own spirit. Ease Along with truthfulness and sincerity, simplicity is never lacking in those who are moved by the Spirit. There is no duplicity in him, arrogance, hypocrisy, or vanity, these attitudes provoked by the devil. Liberty spirit of the person is not attached to any created thing, even the gifts of God, and receives everything from the hand of God as a gift, with gratitude and humility, in the consolation as in the test. Those who demonstrates a stubborn inflexibility is animated only by self and assumes an attitude opposite to that set out above.Each side comparison with the behavior of the Pope and try to give an answer: it is the Holy Spirit who has received Better World, and that the lives and inspiring, guiding it to the church with charismatic fonder? I think we should ask ourselves the cardinals who elected, and now – I am told – they do not know how to keep it in check. I’m not an expert, I’m just a sinner who needs the Eucharist and fears around the time when (we) will be removed, as it is doing Satan in the world, turning off apostolic churches in the Middle East and martirizzando believers in the suburbs existential , and how they want just the “spiritual” to Traettino, the Spirit said to be able to instill in command … It pains me to see the approaching apocalyptic era of chaos and carnage anticristico, which would require clarity and firmness, and to have in place of Peter the Rock, one like this:
Absolutely Sickening (Photo) Two heretics embrace!
I remember first of all to myself, then who – believer – I read: strengthen our faith. This is the time in which Satan led the attack in the heart of the Church, and wants to overthrow our faith in the promise of Christ : “… upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Let us pray to the Lord to continually maintain this faith, even in the dark current, the final darkness that beset even the Hierarchy, knowing what we was taught that “there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect,” and that “the day will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own desires, refusing to listen to the truth and turn aside to myths. ”appearance parody Maintained and strengthened this faith, we may even be grateful to Pope Better World: with its precipitation charismatic exaggerated and his fury to embrace the more questionable Protestant Pentecostalism and bring the whole church, he is showing with full clarity what are the outcomes of modernism done, now triumphant. With his caricature, he brings an extreme development impulses, moods, and Paturnie sentimentaliste and “prophetic” of the Second Vatican Council; his is a reductio ad abdsurdum, which reveals the extravagant insanity – that is precisely what the modernists wanted to disguise, infiltrating the Church since Pius IX. Modernists wanted to expunge from the Gospels to the tales of miracles and healings in the name of ‘rationality “the man of today who can not believe in such things; and there they end up singing and dancing in the sessions of the Anglo televangelists; where they operate, “healing” of the crowd who invade gullible, and believe that, in a state of diminished consciousness, of “speaking in tongues” (uttering meaningless gibberish with his eyes), and having received the Spirit by the laying on of hands of Marple.rejection of the “prophets of doom” and adherence optimistic in the world as it is, is done in the comic talks publicized, full of platitudes and clichés secularists, in which Eugenio Scalfari to dictate the agenda. The abandonment of dogma and doctrine ends in a smoky sentimentality towards those who love and misunderstanding; anti-authoritarianism proclaimed by conciliarists, and the rejection of papal applied to any ecclesiastical discipline errant, spilled into the brutality towards the faithful believers, myths, the only ones that are kept in a holy obedience. Ecumenism enthusiastically embraced by four Papi brings the last to make a blizzard to be with his buddy of Caserta and the Church even to the merger with the Evangelical Lutheran sect (who has crumbled), but with the ridiculous televangelists, the born-again christians Mat, who await the “rapture” and disengage good money to their ringleaders, which are slaves. Bergoglio also showed his subordination to the pastor who speaks with God Caserta The January, Pope Francis has sent a video message from your smartphone loving the ‘Evangelical Charismatic Leadership Conference “led by televangelist Kenneth Copeland by a young “bishop” Anglican his friend, Tony Palmer, who he called “my brother bishop.” In his message, the Pope said that Catholics and charismatics must unite, because that is enough “to love God and our neighbor because he is your brother and sister,” and this unites us simply incredible … The tragi-comedy of the matter can not be grasp, if not watching the video of that gathering, with the grit and the “style” of Campbell and the attractiveness of Palmer (soon after died in a motorcycle accident). ( youtube link ) Thanks to Pope Francis, we can see the outlet end and a caricature of the “caritativismo» ecumenist, the belief that “doctrine divides, the good we do binds us together.” Pope “and substituting putting in all charity, as self-sufficient instrument of salvation ‘, ends in negate the charity and the truth and justice to the Franciscans of the Immaculate, and to the faithful of Caserta, and appears as submitted to Treattino, and specifically his bizarre “doctrine”; then he face “good” and what is not known. We also see, for exaggeration, the final outcome of the “pastoral” clerical in its true nature: the ‘primacy of practice’ revolutionary, who goes by Marx (“Do not just contemplate the world, you have to change it”) to end up in the technocracy and its associated “success ethic” of which the “theology of prosperity” of Protestants is not that great an offshoot – or extremist. All aspects of modernism appear today, in this unfortunate history, in the form of parody and grotesque. remote In his message to the televangelists, Bergoglio has confessed to having a “longing” for them and their gatherings. We hope. The Argentine passport has kept it, and now the Popes Han began to resign.
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