Boo Hoo and Justice For All! You Do the Crime You Do the Time!!
Heather Mack, 19, is not sure whether it was fellow inmates or guards who molested her, her Chicago attorney Michael Elkin told MailOnline. ‘It is very disconcerting,’ he said. It came as Mack and boyfriend Tommy Schaefer, 21, who are accused of murdering Sheila von Wiese Mack and putting her body in a suitcase (top right) while on a vacation to Bali, claimed it was ‘racist’ to serve them KFC. Elkin said they were given McDonald’s instead today (circled main).
Pregnant teen accused of mother’s suitcase murder claims she’s been sexually assaulted repeatedly in Bali prison (and now she’s served McDonald’s after complaining about ‘racist’ KFC)!
- Chicago lawyer for Heather Mack, accused with boyfriend Tommy Schaefer, 21, of murder of Sheila von Wiese Mack, revealed the sexual assault claims
- Michael Elkin told MailOnline that it happened ‘multiple times’ and she doesn’t know whether it was guards or inmates as not all guards wear uniforms in the Bali prison
- Mack complained that giving her KFC was racist because she is black. Elkin says they were given McDonald’s today
- Police dismissed ‘racism’ claim, saying fast-food meal is expensive in Bali
- Mrs Mack’s body set to be flown back to Chicago in a coffin on Wednesday
Body-in-suitcase murder suspect Heather Mack has been sexually assaulted multiple times in her Indonesian prison cell, her lawyer claimed on Monday. The 19-year-old is not sure whether it was fellow inmates or guards who molested her, her Chicago attorney Michael Elkin told MailOnline. ‘It is very disconcerting,’ he said. ‘She initially thought it was fellow inmates, but now she has discovered that not all the guards are wearing official uniforms.’
Big Mack: Heather Mack (with towel on head) is served McDonald’s (right of picture) after complaining that KFC was based on a ‘racist’ assumption that she’d like fried chicken
Heather was arrested last week along with her boyfriend Tommy Schaefer, 21, over the murder of Heather’s mother, wealthy widow Sheila von Wiese-Mack in the luxury St. Regis hotel on the tropical paradise island of Bali where they were three days into a 10-day vacation. Mrs Mack’s body was discovered crammed into a suitcase that police claim Heather and Tommy had taken down to a taxi. They left telling the driver they would be back but instead fled to another hotel six miles away near the island’s international airport, according to police. It is believed that the 62-year-old was bludgeoned to death with a heavy glass ashtray and vase – with such violence that both objects shattered. Elkin said Heather was distraught when he spoke to her by phone several times overnight. ‘She was tearful, she is being mistreated,’ he said. He said the information Heather can give him is limited as he is worried their phone calls are being monitored by authorities in Bali. ‘I have told her she can only give me yes or no answers,’ he said. ‘I asked her if she was being mistreated and she said yes. I started going through questions and asked her if she had been touched inappropriately and she said yes. I asked her if it was in the female area and she said yes. I asked her if it was on more than one occasion and she said yes. ‘I asked her if it was consensual and she said no. I could not go into the specifics of whether there was an actual rape or whether it was sexual assault, molesting, call it what you will. I cannot say for sure it was intercourse.’
Laid out in the sun at Bali Police Headquarters are pieces of evidence in the Bali suitcase murder – the taxi, the suitcase, bloodied sheets and pillows and other items from the room at the St Regis Hotel
Heather’s assault claims came after she and boyfriend Schaefer had both complained that they had been given a meal from KFC. Both were outraged that authorities had presumed they would want fried chicken because they are black, claimed ‘She told me today she had been given McDonald’s,’ said Elkin. ‘She said she has also been given rice and water, but I am also concerned that she has not had sufficient water.’ Police say they are surprised by the allegations, saying KFC is considered expensive to most Indonesians. Djoko Hari Utomo, chief of police in the island’s capital, Denpasar, said: ‘Heather complains about the food and that she is not being well-treated in jail, nevertheless police treat the prisoners all the same. He added: ‘Countering the couple’s bizarre claim, he added: ‘We have already given treatment that is more than normal. We give special attention to her as she is still young. This is a transition period for her.’ Elkin confirmed to MailOnline that Heather is expecting a child, but did not know further details. She has been reported as two months pregnant and that it is an ectopic pregnancy and Schaefer is presumed to be the father. The lawyer said he is still making arrangements to get to Bali as he has not yet found a lawyer on the island who he is comfortable with. He said he was given a list of attorneys willing to take cases involving US citizens, but many of them were commercial or civil lawyers. ‘I said you’ve got to be kidding me. We can’t have a Jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none taking this case. This is a very serious case, it’s murder we are talking about.’ He said he had spoken to one female lawyer who was trying to get the case. ‘I asked her five different ways if my client has been charged and she said she didn’t know. She was in the police station, she couldn’t even find out such basic information, so I have told Heather not to discuss anything with this lawyer.
The body of Mrs Mack is set to to be flown back to Chicago on Wednesday following the socialite’s gruesome murder in Bali last week
‘What I do know is that so far she has not been in front of a judge or a panel.’ Elkin said he is still making arrangements to travel to Bali, but needs to make sure he has a proper back-up team of translators and technical experts with him. Mrs Mack’s body was found on Tuesday of last week. Pathologists say she suffered asphyxiation, a broken neck and a broken nose and that she had probably been killed 6.45am and 10am local time. During her autopsy, several defensive wounds were also discovered – suggesting Mrs Mack had fought back while being attacked. Dr Dudut Rustyadi, the forensic chief at Sanglah hospital morgue in Denpasar, said: ‘From the wound, we found violence using blunt objects. ‘We found many wounds, open wounds and bruises, including wounds on her left arm. We allege that the victim fought.’ In the hours leading up to her murder, Mrs Mack had been seen on CCTV footage walking around the hotel lobby at 3.45am. Authorities say one sequence caught on hotel security cameras shows Mrs Mack arguing with her daughter and Schaefer about who should pay the hotel bill. She was heard by staff telling her daughter that she had paid for Schaefer’s air fare to Bali so the two of them should pay the bill.
Senior police said that there was little doubt that in the hours before she was brutally murdered, Mrs Mack appeared to be a troubled woman. Mrs Mack’s body looks set be flown back to Chicago on Wednesday with an FBI agent posted in Bali currently making arrangements with the US Embassy. Elkin would not comment on an NBC News report that Heather and Schaefer may be sent back to the United States to face trial.
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