Robin Williams – Uncomfortably Numb: Abortion Loss and Addiction
Many are aware that Williams struggled for years with serious addiction issues. However a lesser known fact is that one of those demons was an abortion that took place in the 1970’s.
Actor and comedian Robin Williams died August 11th from a suspected suicide. Fans from around the world are grieving the tragic loss of this talented actor and comedian. Such an act of desperation reveals Williams was clearly in great emotional pain. A headline on NBC News Online shares thatRobin Williams Battled Demons for Decades Before His Death.
‘Long, long, long time ago,’ Williams replied candidly, ‘and it was because we were too young and it wasn’t right.’
Is there a relationship between Robin William’s descent into drug addiction and depression that began in the 1970’s and his past abortion?
Uncomfortably Numb
The most common self-medication for these intimate and painful feelings and memories…sex, drugs and alcohol. The 1970’s and early 1980’s were fertile soil for such acting-out with the widespread use of cocaine in music and entertainment circles.
In a Guardian interview in 2008, Williams shares about his behavior during his periods of addiction:
“You know, I was shameful…You do stuff that causes disgust, and that’s hard to recover from. You can say, ‘I forgive you’ and all that stuff, but it’s not the same as recovering from it.”
Let’s re-visit his quote above, but this time in the context of abortion loss:
You know that abortion was so deeply painful, and shameful…I am disgusted by my actions that led to the destruction of my unborn child, and struggle as a man and father. That abortion procedure was the death of my partnership with the child’s mother and it deeply wounded my heart and soul. No drug can remove that pain. I want to forgive myself and others…but I need to find a way to recover from this loss.
Years of using drugs and alcohol to cope with abortion loss and other emotional pain and life stress takes a toll on the emotions and nervous system of addicts. The failure to recognize the role of abortion loss can be a significant factor in one’s addictive behavior and shuts the door on reconciliation and recovery from the abortion wound.
Displacement of a Father’s Grief
Williams would later become a vocal advocate for abortion rights. This reveals another common strategy of those that are unable to reconcile and recover from their abortion loss. The energy that would be better directed toward healing this loss is instead focused on the need to promote abortion accessibility for the poor and protecting woman’s health.
Actor intelligent, funny, clever. But as often happens, the “holy” modern finish to simplify a lot, maybe too much. All this also applies to the honorary jew Robin Williams ( so liked to describe himself ).
Obama – trivial as ever – rushed to label it as “unique”. Now the Presidents USA, between a political failure and the other, end up becoming film critics. It is good for Obama to incensarlo, given the commitment of Williams to the army that invaded Iraq in 2003, was in that year that the actor, during a performance for American troops in the country of Saddam, took a T-shirt with a phrase in Arabic (أ حب نيويورك, “Uḥibbu Nyūyūrk”) which meant “I love New York.”
In mid-1970, Robin was engaged to Julliard and the relationship came to an abrupt end. ‘s case was a miscarriage – shared by both – but which had the effect of leaving the actor upset. Later became anti-abortion.
In the eighties, the cocaine addict Williams was present at the tragic night when John Belushi, his friend, killed died from a drug overdose. The two were seen shortly before the latter’s room. That evening Cathy Smith claimed the lives of injecting Belushi, at his request, a dose of speedball.
Despite the success, philanthropy, the three wives, lots of money, everything has gone wrong in the worst possible way, with a probable suicide. The philosophy of “carpe diem”, so masterfully expressed by Williams in the movie “Dead Poets Society”, proved it for what it is: a big jolt that leaves a vacuum behind it.
The comedy of this actor did not fail to make use of some profanity (think Good Morning Vietnam!) And some provocation towards Catholics.
Hopefully the last moment, that yes indeed fleeting, has “saved” everything.
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