Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus
St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, ora pro nobis!

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

assumption 10

Blessed Mary lived, cared for by St. John, for twelve years after Our Lord‘s Resurrection. Her life was spent in helping the Apostles and in praying for the conversion of the world. On the third day after Mary’s death, when the Apostles gathered around her tomb, they found it empty. The sacred body had been carried up to the celestial paradise. Jesus Himself came to conduct her thither the whole court of heaven came to welcome with songs of triumph the Mother of the Divine Word. Why was Mary’s body received into heaven instead of remaining in the earth, like the rest of mankind? The grave had no power over one who was immaculate. Her flesh could not see corruption. Her body had been over shadowed by the Holy Ghost. It had been the sacred temple in which had dwelt God Incarnate, and so it had a claim to ascend whither the Body of her Son had already gone before. But the chief reason was that as she had shared in each detail in the sorrows and agony of her Son, so it was right that she should take part in His triumph. Let us ask of God, through Mary’s intercession, the grace of a happy death.


DOUBLE/ FIRST CLASS/WHITE  –   “Gaudeamus omnes”   –  Epistle / Gospel

EPISTLE – Judith 13:22-25; 15:10
Lesson from the book of Judith
The Lord has blessed you by His power, because by you He has brought our enemies to nought. Blessed are you, O daughter, by the Lord the Most High God, above all women upon the earth. Blessed be the Lord Who made heaven and earth, Who has directed you to the cutting off the head of the prince of our enemies, because He has so magnified your name this day, that your praise shall not depart out of the mouth of men, who shall be mindful of the power of the Lord forever; for you have not spared your life, by reason of the distress and tribulation of your people, but have prevented our ruin in the presence of our God. You are the glory of Jerusalem, you are the joy of Israel, you are the honor of our people.
GOSPEL – Luke 1:41-50
At that time, Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, and cried out with a loud voice, saying, Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb! And how have I deserved that the Mother of my Lord should come to me? For behold, the moment that the sound of your greeting came to my ears, the babe in my womb leapt for joy. And blessed is she who has believed, because the things promised her by the Lord shall be accomplished. And Mary said, My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior; because He has regarded the lowliness of His handmaid; for, behold, henceforth all generations shall call me blessed; because He Who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is His name; and His mercy is from generation to generation on those who fear Him.
R. Praise be to Thee, O Christ.
S. By the words of the Gospel may our sins be blotted out.
assumption 8
Today we celebrate the Assumption of Our Lady into heaven. Who is Mary? What does the Immaculate? Was Mary ever virgin? How does Mary with the Church? And with God the Father? 
 These questions and more are answered in this booklet Raffaelo Martinelli.
Who is Mary?
Mary: She is the daughter of Israel, a Jewish girl from Nazareth in Galilee, “a virgin espoused to a man from the family of David, named Joseph” ( Lk 1,26-27);
“Scoop among the poor and humble of the Lord, which in faith expect and receive from Him salvation. Finally with her, the exalted Daughter of Sion, after long expectation of the promise, the time is fulfilled and the new economy of salvation is established “( LG , n. 55)
“Virgin Mother, daughter of thy Son, humble and the most exalted of creatures always look divine object, you are the One who exalted human nature in such a way that the Creator had made ​​no less creature. (Aligieri Dante,  Paradise , Canto XXXIII).
What is the relationship between Mary and Christ?
Jesus was conceived in the womb of the Virgin Mary.
How happens this conception?
By the Holy Spirit, without the help of man. “Mary is called to conceive him in whom he dwells bodily divine fullness” ( Col  2.9). The divine response to her question: “How is that possible? no husband “( Lk  1.34) is immediately give power of the Holy Spirit: “The Holy Spirit will come upon you” ( Lk 1:35). (…) The Holy Spirit, who is Lord and Giver of Life “, is sent to sanctify the womb of the Virgin Mary and fertilize divinely, thus causing her to conceive the eternal Son of the Father in humanity, taken from his” ( CCC, nos. 484-485).
‘s virginal conception indicates that Jesus is truly the Son of God.
What is the Immaculate Conception?
“God chose Mary free from all eternity to be the Mother of his Son to fulfill this mission, he was immaculately conceived. This means that, by the grace of God and in anticipation of the merits of Jesus Christ, Mary was preserved from original sin from the moment she was conceived “( Compendium , n. 96).
In what sense is all holy?
In the sense that she has never been touched by any sin in your life; is “immune from all stain of sin, fashioned by the Holy Spirit and formed as a new creature” ( LG , 56). It is “full of grace” ( Lk  1:28).
Did Mary was always a virgin?
The Christian faith affirms the real and perpetual virginity of Mary still birth of his only Son Jesus, Son of God made man. She has “remained virgin in conceiving her Son, a virgin in childbirth, Virgin Mother, perpetual virgin” (St. Augustine).
Virgin Mary is in the body and in the Heart: Mary throughout her life has obeyed the will of God, has always been the “handmaid of the Lord” ( Lk 1:38). “Mary is happier to receive the faith of Jesus Christ, who conceive the flesh of Christ” (St. Augustine,  De sancta virginitate , 3.3).
Mary’s virginity indicates the absolute and gratuitous initiative of God for her.
After the birth of Jesus, Mary has given birth to other children, always remaining a virgin before, during and after childbirth.
Why then Scripture speaks of Jesus’ brothers and sisters?
It was common in the Old Testament and even in the time of Jesus, brother and sister call to close relatives. In fact today, the priests when addressing lay faithful brother or sister call, indicating the particular union that we all have in Jesus.
What is the relationship of Mary with Jesus?
Throughout the earthly life, Mary had a special relationship with his Son Jesus. The earthly life of the Mother of God, is characterized by perfect harmony with the person of his Son and the redemptive work accomplished by Him. “Embracing the saving will of God, I consecrate herself as the handmaid of the Lord and the work of her Son, serving the mystery of redemption with Him and with Him, by the grace of Almighty God. ” ( LG  56).
“This union of the Mother with the Son in the work of redemption appears in the time of Christ’s virginal conception and death of him” ( LG 57).
She has always been a faithful disciple of Christ. Same answer Christ Who is my mother? It is he who does the will of the Father (cf.. Mc . 3.33 to 35), which seems a bit offensive, actually expresses the greatest praise for Mary, stating that true greatness is that she has fulfilled the will be perfectly Father.
What are the mariological dogmas?
They are:
The divine motherhood of Mary (the title “Mother of God”, “Theotokos” was given at the Council of Ephesus in 431.
The Immaculate Conception (Pius IX, Ineffabilis, December 8, 1854);
The perpetual virginity (Lateran Council, 649).
The Assumption to Heaven (Pius XII,  Munificentissimus Deus , 1 November 1950).
These dogmas, although proclaimed throughout the history of the Church, are contained in divine Revelation and express faith always believed from the beginning of the Church. These serve to define faith in way more precise, solemn and definitive. “The Magisterium of the Church rests on the authority that comes given to Christ when you define something dogma, that is, when it proposes truths contained in divine revelation, or even when he proposes in a definitive way truths that are connected closely with them” ( CCC , n.89).
“The dogmas are like lights on the path of faith, which clarify and make it more secure. If our life is upright, our intellect and heart will be open to receive light from the dogmas of the faith “( CCC , n. 89).
In what sense is Mary called the Mother of God?
The Church proclaims Mary as Mother of God, as Jesus is truly the Son according to the flesh, is generated Son of the Eternal Father in the divine nature, the second Person of the Holy Trinity: God himself. Jesus Christ is “naturally Son of the Father as to his divinity by nature Son of the Mother as humanity itself and Son of God in two natures” (Council of Friuli, Symbol , 796).
What does the assumption of Mary into Heaven?
The Assumption of Mary into heaven, body and soul, means:
A full conformity with the Son, who has conquered death.
A particular participation of Mary in the Resurrection of his Son.
A singular anticipation and prefiguration of our resurrection has come to the end of time: the meaning and manifest destiny of the body sanctified by grace.
In the glorious body of Mary, the same material creation begins to have something of the risen body of Christ.
What is the relationship between Mary and God the Father?
The praises are fulfilled in Mary fruits are the result of the first and free action of God the Father. The free gift of grace and salvation of God, Mary responds with its prompt and full commitment of faith. “Blessed are you who believed in the fulfillment of the word of the Lord” ( Lk  1.42 to 45).
“From the beginning Mary was the great sign, maternal and merciful face of the Father and the nearness of Christ, which invites us to enter into communion” (Document of Puebla n. 282, 1979).
Choosing it as the Mother of all mankind, the heavenly Father reveal the desired dimension as it were divine maternal tenderness and solicitude for men of all ages.
What is the relationship between Mary and the Holy Spirit?
The Mystery of Mary puts in prominence the action of the Holy Spirit, who has worked within it the conception of the Son of God and has consistently guided his life.
Titles Comforter, Advocate, Helper, attributed to Mary from the piety of the Christian people, not harm, but exalt the action of the Holy Spirit, believers have to benefit from their gifts.
Mary’s cooperation with the Holy Spirit, manifested in the angel’s visit and her cousin, are a constant expression of docility and readiness to the inspirations of the Paraclete.
As a true woman of prayer, the Virgin asked the Holy Spirit to complete the work begun in the design so that the child would grow “in wisdom, age and grace before God and men” ( Lk 2:52). Under this profile Mary is presented as a model for parents, showing the need for the Holy Spirit to find the right way in the difficult task of educating.
No doubt that was present at the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. The Spirit already dwelt in Mary, having wrought wonders of grace, now falls back communicating his heart the gifts and charisms necessary for the exercise of spiritual motherhood.
Mary participates in the life and prayer of the first Christian community. Luke emphasizes that the first community in the origin of the Church is composed not only of Apostles and Disciples, but also women, including Luke names only to “Mary the Mother of Jesus” ( Acts . 1.14) .
Also now in the life of the Church, “She is called the same Holy Spirit to cooperate in a maternal way. He does constantly remind the memory of the Church the word of Jesus to the beloved disciple: “Behold your mother”, thus inviting believers to love Mary as Christ loves. Any deepening union with Mary allows the Spirit for a more fruitful activity for the life of the Church “(John Paul II,  Catechesis of Wednesday , 9 December 1998).
What is the relationship between Mary and the Church?
Holy Mary is:
Belonging to the Church;
Mother of the Church;
Model of the Church;
Advocate for the Church.
In what way Mary belongs to the Church?
She is our sister, eminent and singular member of the Church.
It is the first redeemed, redeemed by Christ “the most sublime way” in her immaculate conception (cf. Bull “Ineffabilis” of Pius IX, Acta 1,605) and entirely renovated and filled with the grace of the Holy Spirit.
Why Mary is Mother of the Church?
She has given birth to a son, God has made ​​the “firstborn among many brethren” ( Rom 8:29), that is, the faithful, his birth and education she cooperates with a mother’s love. ( LG , 63).
Cooperate to man’s salvation freely in obedience and faith “( LG , 56), giving consent on behalf of all mankind.
On Calvary, Jesus with the words: “Behold your mother” ( Gn  19,26-27), the donated as Mother, to all who have received the good news of salvation and thus laid the foundations for affection filial of all with her;
Mary cooperates in the birth and development of the life of Christ that we are members of the baptized. She is the Mother of the Church in the order of grace.
“The maternal duty of Mary toward men in no way obscures or diminishes … the unique mediation of Christ, rather, shows its effectiveness. In fact every healthy mediation of Blessed Virgin … enjoy overabundance mystery of Christ is based on the mediation, and that depends entirely and gets all its power. ( LG , 60).
In what sense is Mary model of the Church?
She is the figure and the most perfect realization of the Church. It is the model of the Church in motherhood and virginity.
On Motherhood:
“… the Church through the Word of God faithfully listened becomes Mother, that by preaching and Baptism brings forth to a new and immortal life children, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of God “( LG , 64).
Virginity in the Church “is the virgin and pure custody integrates faith given the Bridegroom, and in imitation of the Mother of her Lord, the power of the Holy Spirit preserves with virginal integrates faith, strong hope, sincere charity” ( LG , 64).
She is certainly another example of purity and total gift to the Lord. In a special way She is inspired by Christian virgins and those dedicated exclusively to the Lord, in the variety of consecrated lives.
She encourages all Christians to live chastity with particular care as the state itself, and sustain the Lord in the various circumstances of life. That is quintessential Sanctuary of the Holy Spirit helps believers discover their own body as God’s temple (cf. 1 Cor  6:19) and to respect their nobility and holiness.
“In the apostolic work of the Church looks to her who begat Christ, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin, to be born and grow through the Church in the hearts of the faithful. The Virgin in effect, his life was the model of that maternal love which should be encouraged all those in the apostolic mission of the Church cooperate to the regeneration of men “(LG , 65).
Mary is the eschatological image of the Church, in the sense that she is and what the pilgrim Church on earth, will be a day at the end of this world.
In what sense is Mary Model of Holiness in the Church?
Mary is all holy, as the “fullness of grace” ( Lk  1:28). She represents the community of believers the paradigm of authentic holiness, which is done in union with Christ.
“The Church has been achieved in the Blessed Virgin all perfection,” while “the faithful still strive to increase in holiness rejecting sin” ( LG , 65).
In this way of holiness believers in Christ are encouraged by the One who is the model of virtue.
“The Church, in her thinking and contemplating her in the light of the Word made ​​man, and reverently penetrates more deeply into the great mystery of the Incarnation and is shaped in this way with her ​​Husband” ( LG , 65).
Christian holiness is carried out in an intense life of faith, hope and charity. In all these three theological virtues, Mary is a role model. In fact:
Faith: his example encourages the people of God to practice, to deepen and develop, retaining the heart and meditating on the events of salvation.
In Hope: listening to the message of the angel, the Virgin directs his hope to the kingdom that will never end, that he must establish.
In Charity: charity grace of Mary can be preserved at all times concord and brotherly love within the Church.
In what sense is Mary cooperates Redemption?
Augustine attributed to the quality of the Virgin cooperator in the Redemption (cf. De Sancta Vergini-tate, 6, PL 40, 399), who claims the title and subordinate joint action of Mary to Christ the Redeemer.
She cooperates “special to the work of Salvador, with obedience, faith, hope, and burning charity mode”. Sublime fruit of this cooperation is the universal motherhood: “That is our Mother in the order of grace” ( LG , 61).
It is a particular cooperation that the Lord gives you. In union with Christ and submissive to Him, She has collaborated in obtaining the grace of salvation to all mankind in unique and blameless way, thanks:
A motherhood in relation to Christ.
In association with Christ’s sacrifice, suffering with Him as He died on the cross, “cooperate especially to the work of Salvador Mode” ( LG , 61).
The particular contributo She gives life to the Church, through the passage of centuries and until the end of time, continuing to hold the Christian community and all believers in the way of holiness and generous efforts to advertise the Gospel.
What is the relationship between Mary and women?
“It is blessed among women. In her God-given dignity of women unexpected dimensions. In Mary, the Gospel has penetrated femininity has redeemed and exalted. It is therefore of paramount importance to our cultural horizon in which women should be valued, while more clearly defining this part of her competence in the company. Mary is the guarantee of women’s greatness, indicating the specific mode of womanhood, with its vocation to be soul, donation can spiritualize the flesh and the spirit incarnate. ” (Document of Puebla n. 299).
Mary acts in so sublime if the two dimensions of the vocation of women, virginity and motherhood.
Mary lived in the exclusive and own way of women, the bond between mother and child.
What kind of worship given to Mary?
From the beginning it has been given a special devotion to the Virgin Mary. “Especially after the Council of Ephesus, the worship of God’s people has grown in Mary veneration and love, vocation and imitation” ( LG , 66). This is especially expressed in liturgical celebrations, among which, since the beginning of the V century, assumes special importance on Mary Theotokos, held on August 15 in Jerusalem and that time has arrived to celebrate the Dormition or Assumption.
The Marian cult has developed until today admirably in content, alternating between periods of flowering and critical periods, which have encouraged more to renovamiento.
“Mary, exalted by the grace of God, after His Son, above all angels and men, that is the Holy Mother of God, and has had a part in the mysteries of Christ, comes from the ornate church with special service “( LG , 66).
Such worship has a unique feature, that is dedicated to a single person for its perfection and its mission.
“This cult … although it is singular, differs essentially from the adoration given to the incarnate Word, as the Father and the Holy Spirit, and especially promotes”; This finds expression in liturgical feasts dedicated to the Mother of God and Marian prayer of the Holy Rosary, “a compendium of the entire Gospel” ( CCC , 971).
Therefore, the veneration of the faithful to the Virgin, is superior to the worship given to other saints, and below the worship given to God.
Among the Marian cult and which is given to God there is a sequel, since the honor dedicated to Mary leads to the worship of the Holy Trinity.
Veneration of Christians to the Virgin promotes the worship of the Incarnate Word, the Father and the Holy Spirit. “Various forms of devotion to the Mother of God, the Church has approved within the limits of a holy and orthodox doctrine, according to the circumstances of time and place as the mentality of the faithful make while the Mother is honored, the Son by whom are all things (cf.  Col  1,15-16) and in which it pleases the Eternal Father to make all the fullness (resident Col  1:19) is rightly known, loved and glorified, and be seen His command. ” ( LG , 66).
To her, Mother of the Church and Mother of mankind, uses the Christian people, animated by filial trust, to apply the maternal intercession and obtain the goods necessary for life on earth in light of eternal bliss.

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