A 54-year-old woman was taken to Qaraqosh (Iraq), held for 10 days, flogged repeatedly. “I was born a Christian and I would rather die a Christian,” she said, even had a sword to the throat…
“I was born a Christian and if I have to die for this, I’d rather die a Christian.” So Khiria Al-Kas Isaac 54-year-old Iraqi Christian Qaraqosh, who fled from the Islamic state in Kurdistan , responded to the Islamists that imprisoning, whipping and pressing a sword on the throat required it to convert to Islam.
COME jihadists. Mufeed The woman and her husband Wadee ‘Tobiya gathered the morning of 7 August in a city suddenly conquered by the jihadists. From the beginning, the militants threatened her thus: “Convert to Islam or be beheaded,” says the Catholic Herald . Having refused, along with 46 other woman was taken, separated from her family and imprisoned for ten days.

Lashes and THREATS. During segregation, women were repeatedly whipped in front of all the others because the suffering of all to convince a convert. “I immediately told them that I preferred to die a Christian, and then I mentioned the Gospel of St. Matthew (10:33). Jesus said, “Whoever denies me before men, I will disown him before my Father who is in heaven. ‘” During the whipping, ” all cried but we all refused to repent.”

“HAPPY TO BE A MARTYR.” Someday a terrorist, whips, told Khiria: “Repent or I will make you hurt even more.” But she replied: “I am a sick old woman. I do not have a daughter or son that they can increase the number of Muslims or follow you, what good is that to you if you will convert me? “. There was no answer. But the last day, “a terrorist I pressed the sword on the neck in front of all the others and said to me:” Repent or you will be beheaded. ” I answered: “I will be happy to be a martyr!”
Stripped of EVERYTHING. Having given yet another testimony of their faith, Khiria was robbed of everything she had, including money set aside for an operation to the kidney, and released. On September 4, the woman were allowed to escape and was able to reach out to others displaced Christians in Ankawa with her husband and two other women. The next day, another 14 people have been released. It is not clear what happened to the other Christians.
Leggi di Più: Iraq. Khiria, la cristiana che non ha abiurato | Tempi.it
Leggi di Più: Iraq. Khiria, la cristiana che non ha abiurato | Tempi.it
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