Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus
St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, ora pro nobis!


Divorce & remarriage is adultery


Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke,  This American, sixty-six years in Richland Center, Wisconsin, has done everything possible to succeed in a Catholic in order to burn the Christian consciences too prone to apathy. Take part in the marches for life, says he will not be given communion to politicians who support abortion laws, denounces the rapid advance homosexual agenda, tells Papa Francesco that the defense of non-negotiable principles is not subject to the whims of fashion pontiffs, supports making in the traditional rite. He recently signed the collective book “Remaining in the truth of Christ. Marriage and communion in the Catholic Church, “written in open conflict with the merciful openings of Cardinal Walter Kasper on family and communion for divorced and remarried.
Nothing strange, then, if the reshuffle Curia thought by Bergoglio provides that, from Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, is now banished to the office of cardinal patron of the Sovereign Order of Malta. But in the meantime, at the Synod on the family, this fine canonist son of rural America has assumed the role of opposition, one might say katechon, in the presence of the turning attributed, without contradiction, the papal men.
As stated in the ancient “Polyglot Bible” open on the lectern of his study to the page of Ecclesiastes: “Everything has its time (…) there is a time to be silent and a time to speak.” What you see beyond the curtain of media that surrounds the Synod? Reveals a worrying trend because some argue the possibility of adopting a practice that deviates from the truth of the faith. Although it should be obvious that you can not proceed in this way, many encourage such dangerous openings on the issue of communion for divorced and remarried granted. I do not see how one can reconcile the concept irreformable the indissolubility of marriage with the ability to admit to communion those who live in an irregular situation. Here we directly puts into question what he told us when our Lord taught that those who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery.  According to the reformers that teaching has become too hard.  They forget that the Lord assures the help of grace to those who are called to live the wedding. This does not mean that there will be difficulties and suffering, but there will always be a divine help to address them and be faithful to the end. [...] R. I do not know how he conceived the briefing, but it seems to me that something does not work well if the information is manipulated in order to give relief only to a thesis rather than faithfully report the various exposed positions. This worries me a lot because a large number of bishops does not accept the ideas of openness, but few know it. It speaks only of the need for the church to open instances of the world set out in February by Cardinal Kasper. In fact, his argument on the themes of family and a new discipline for communion for divorced and remarried is not new, it has already been discussed thirty years ago. Then from February has regained strength and was culpably allowed to grow. But all this has to stop because it causes serious harm to the faith. Bishops and priests tell me that now many divorced and remarried apply to be admitted to communion because he wants Papa Francesco. In fact, I note that, however, so far has not commented on the matter.
But it seems clear that Cardinal Kasper and many are on his line to speak with the support of the Pope.
Yes, the Holy Father appointed Cardinal Kasper at the Synod and let the debate go on about these tracks. But, as another poster said the cardinal, the Pope has not yet pronounced. I’m waiting for his remarks, which can only be in continuity with the teaching given by the church throughout its history. One lesson that has never changed because it can not change. [...]  Admitted to communion divorced and remarried undermines Sacrament of Matrimony, but also that the Eucharist. Does not it seem a drift that touches the heart of the church?
In the First Letter to the Corinthians, chapter 11, St. Paul teaches that those who receive the Eucharist in a state of sin eats his own condemnation. Access to the Eucharist means to be in communion with Christ, to comply with him. Many oppose the idea that the Eucharist is the sacrament of the perfect, but this is a false argument. No man is perfect and the Eucharist is the sacrament of those who are fighting to be perfect, according to Jesus when he asks himself: to be like our Father who is in heaven (Mt 5, 48)Even those who fight to achieve perfection flaw, of course, and if it is in a state of mortal sin can not communicate. To do so is to confess his sin with repentance and with the intention of not committing more: this applies to everyone, including the divorced and remarried. [...]

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