Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus
St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, ora pro nobis!

Eleison Comments – Number CCCLXXXVI – (386)

Eleison Comments

Resistance Advice

The “Resistance” may or may not organize, But suff’ring will be its hallmark and its prize.

A precious exchange of e-mails came recently over my desk which I am sure many souls in their difficult circumstances of today will appreciate. The problem comes from a typical 21 st century city-dweller who has the Faith but feels abandoned. The solution presented here is based on a prophecy of Our Lady from the 17 th century! Firstly, the problem:—
“I am a female nurse from Germany, 48 years old. 12 years ago I entered a Convent and loved it, trying to deepen my relationship with God, but after 10 years I had to leave because of the modernism. I could not take my final vows because the Community was far from the Truth. I thought that leaving would please my heavenly Father and make me a kind of heroine in his eyes, but now I am very sad, and feel abandoned by God, not at all like a heroine.
“Two years ago I did get a job back in the hospital where I worked before entering the Convent, but here I am back in the world where the people around me are ignorant or modern, where nobody has any faith, and if they do, they don’t know why. I am too old to be able to find a job close to the sacraments. Shift work stops me from getting to Mass every Sunday. The nearest Traditional Mass is an hour’s drive away. So here I am, sitting in the dark, with little access to the sacraments. The situation in Church and world is so confused that I just do not know what to do. Where is there a way out of the darkness? Where do I go to figure out what I am supposed to do with my life? “
And now in answer to the problem, advice which any number of us in the quote-unquote Resistance, seeking to withstand the worldwide apostasy, can take to heart:—
“Dear friend, in Ecuador in 1634 Our Lady gave to a holy nun almost direct guidance for us in these unholy times which we are blessed to live in (even though they may not feel like a blessing). She promised that there would always be, despite the worldwide apostasy, souls that would remain faithful and would preserve the treasure of the Faith and virtues. But they would suffer a cruel, unspeakable and prolonged martyrdom. She said, ‘ In order to free men from bondage to the heresies all around, the souls chosen by my Most Holy Son to effect the restoration will need great strength of will, constancy, valor and confidence in God. To test this faith and confidence of the just, there will be occasions where all will seem to be lost. Just then will be the happy beginning of the restoration.’
“There is an excellent summary of this message of Our Lady on the Internet at: OUR LADY OF GOOD SUCCESS: prophetic revelations made to Venerable Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres.
“Many of us find ourselves in similar circumstances to yours. We are deprived of the help and strength which comes from living in a community surrounded by our fellow Catholics with a rule and Superior to guide us . While I am not a religious, it is still a tremendous suffering for me to be deprived of Sacraments, priests and fellow Catholics, and to find myself having to work in the very world which my heart, mind and soul reject. But this is the suffering God is permitting for many of us and the very suffering we must embrace, being in union with His will for each of us, uniting our sufferings to those which our beloved Saviour suffered and offered for us. By so doing we are drawn to Him like His little ones. He has not forgotten you. On the contrary, by all you endure, you give to His Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary much needed consolation and may perhaps be obtaining graces for those who have lost the Faith.”
Kyrie eleison.

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