Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus
St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, ora pro nobis!

Bergoglio to meet with Famous Atheist 'Adulterers!'

VIP Meet and Greet: Bergoglio to meet with Famous Atheist 'Adulterers' Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt!

Hollywood total destruction of morality! Hypersexualization, pedophilia, homosexuality, satanic role models!
Hollywood is of the devil and is an abomination to God.  How hard it is to get people to care, to arouse their conscience, to get them to act on it, to get them to wake up to the sneaky Serpent’s surreptitious soiling and stealing of countless souls?To Hell with Hollywood and to Hell with Newchurch Vatican II of the New Order!


(Reformer.com) - Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt will travel to Rome later this month to meet with Pope Francis, according to Us Weekly. (No surprise)!!
Not that it has anything to do with anything, but when can we start calling him P-Fran?
Jolie, 39, and Pitt, 51, will be part of a "VIP meet-and-greet at the Vatican with Pope Francis," an insider reportedly told Us Weekly.
Sounds like they're going backstage to meet Van Halen.
While the couple reportedly consider themselves "nonreligious," a friend reportedly told the magazine that the parents of six "admire the Pope" and like the Pope's message." (!!!)
The "Unbroken" director was recently criticized for portraying a "universal" faith in her film about Olympian and World War II prisoner of war Louis Zamperini, a Christian.
!!!!"We made it universal, not specific to one faith, and that was something that was agreed upon with Louie," Jolie said last month, according to Religion News. "(Zamperini) said he wanted the message to reach everyone. He said to make faith and forgiveness universal."

Related: Angelina Jolie arrives in Italy to meet Pope Francis
Pitts arrive in Italy to meet pope

Being a celebrity certainly comes with its perks, like an audience with the pope.
Pitts to meet pope will Shiloh and Zahara join??

When in Rome! Angelina Jolie indulges her daughters Zahara and Shiloh in a shopping spree accompanied by brother James Haven ...ahead of 'meeting with Pope Francis'
Daily Mail

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