Dante understood everything here...
Dante imagines Muhammad in the ninth pit of hell. According to Dante, the sowers of discord, in the afterlife were doomed to suffer the proper retaliation!!
“A cask by losing centre-piece or cant
Was never shattered so, as I saw one
Rent from the chin to where one breaketh wind.
Between his legs were hanging down his entrails;
His heart was visible, and the dismal sack
That maketh excrement of what is eaten.
Was never shattered so, as I saw one
Rent from the chin to where one breaketh wind.
Between his legs were hanging down his entrails;
His heart was visible, and the dismal sack
That maketh excrement of what is eaten.
While I was all absorbed in seeing him,
He looked at me, and opened with his hands
His bosom, saying: “See now how I rend me;
He looked at me, and opened with his hands
His bosom, saying: “See now how I rend me;
How mutilated, see, is Mahomet;
In front of me doth Ali weeping go,
Cleft in the face from forelock unto chin;
In front of me doth Ali weeping go,
Cleft in the face from forelock unto chin;
And all the others whom thou here beholdest,
Disseminators of scandal and of schism
While living were, and therefore are cleft thus.
Disseminators of scandal and of schism
While living were, and therefore are cleft thus.
A devil is behind here, who doth cleave us
Thus cruelly, unto the falchion’s edge
Putting again each one of all this ream,
Thus cruelly, unto the falchion’s edge
Putting again each one of all this ream,
When we have gone around the doleful road;
By reason that our wounds are closed again
Ere any one in front of him repass.
By reason that our wounds are closed again
Ere any one in front of him repass.
- Dante’s Inferno, Canto 28
A devil stands at one point of the circle with a sword, splitting open each sinner who walks by. One of the sinners speaks to Dante as he passes—it is Mohammed, prophet of the Muslims. These are the Sowers of Scandal and Schism, and for their sins of division they themselves are split apart. Worse, as they follow the circle around, their wounds close up so that they are whole by the time they come back to the sword, only to be struck again.
(Summary of Canto XXVIII) Wiki Summaries – Inferno
Defiant Charlie Hebdo’s first cover since massacre depicts weeping Prophet Muhammad holding Je Suis Charlie sign as authors aim to sell 3 MILLION copies…
Cover depicts the central figure of Islam weeping and holding a placard
Text declares ‘all is forgiven’ and likens figure to protesters worldwide
Cartoonist, Luz, is the same man who drew controversial cover in 2011
Magazine’s lawyer previously said it would ‘of course’ depict the Prophet
3 million copies of the satirical magazine to be released from Wednesday
A defiant Charlie Hebdo has released its first cover since Islamist fanatics burst into its offices in Paris and murdered 12 people. It centres on an image of the Prophet Muhammad, who is shedding a single tear and holding a sign which declares: ‘Je Suis Charlie’. Above the figure, who is drawn in comic style wearing a turban, the text declares: ‘Tout est pardonné (All is forgiven)’.

The cover was published tonight by the French newspaper Libération, which has provided a home for the surviving staff under heavy guard. Within minutes it was circulating around the world on social media and blogs, although for the most part, it was not published by British media. It was signed by Luz, the same staff cartoonist who drew an image of the Prophet Muhammad on the magazine’s cover three years ago, leading fanatics to firebomb the magazine’s offices. Luz, real name Renald Luzier, 42, avoided last week’s mass murder because he overslept by half an hour and was late for work. The cover’s release came after the magazine’s lawyer Richard Malka said the new edition would ‘of course’ contain images of the Prophet Muhammad, who Islamic codes dictate should not be depicted. ‘We will not give in,’ he told a radio station. ‘The spirit of “Je suis Charlie” means the right to blaspheme. ‘We will not give in otherwise all this won’t have meant anything. A Je Suis Charlie banner means you have the right to criticise my religion, because it’s not serious.
‘We have never criticised a Jew because he’s a Jew, a Muslim because he’s a Muslim or a Christian because he’s a Christian.
‘But you can say anything you like, the worst horrors – and we do – about Christianity, Judaism and Islam, because behind the nice slogans, that’s the reality of Charlie Hebdo.’
Up to 3 million copies of Charlie Hebdo – whose usual circulation is 60,000 – will be printed on Wednesday. An initial batch of 1 million copies will be available on Wednesday and Thursday, said Michel Salion, a spokesman for MPL, which distributes Charlie Hebdo. A further 2 million could then be printed depending on demand. ‘We have requests for 300,000 copies throughout the world – and demand keeps rising by the hour,’ he said, adding that the newspaper usually had just 4,000 international clients. ‘The million will go. As of Thursday, the decision will probably be taken to print extra copies … So we’ll have one million, plus two if necessary.’ Seventeen people, including journalists and police, were killed in three days of violence that began last Wednesday when militants burst into Charlie Hebdo’s office during a regular editorial meeting and shot dead five of its leading cartoonists. On Sunday, at least 3.7 million people took part throughout France in marches of support for Charlie Hebdo and freedom of expression.
The new edition of Charlie Hebdo will also make fun of politicians and other religions. Brothers Said and Cherif Kouachi, shot dead after a two-day manhunt, chose the publication as the target of their attack last week after it repeatedly published cartoons of Muhammad. Some Muslims find depicting the religious figure deeply offensive, and many Western media organisations choose not to do so on that basis. Charlie Hebdo deliberately broke that convention. It once renamed itself ‘Sharia Hebdo’, claimed to be guest edited by the Prophet and carried the cover slogan ‘100 lashes if you don’t die laughing’. Their offices were burned down after a petrol bomb attack in 2011, believed to be connected to those images, though on that occasion nobody was hurt. Editor Stephane Charbonnier, who was among the nine magazine staff to be shot dead last week, was also placed on Al Qaeda’s most wanted list last year. Charlie Hebdo’s remaining members are working on the forthcoming issue from their heavily-guarded temporary headquarters at the Libération newspaper. At eight pages it will be thinner than usual editions, but will be translated into 16 languages.

Source: Daily Mail
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