Bergoglio the 'humble' made a vow to our Lady so he has not watched TV for 25 yrs. He should of made a vow to stand by the true teachings of the Catholic Church!! Jorge became a priest to be with people and if that means leading countless souls astray, well so be it. Somehow I think our Lady is not impressed with Jorge the Destroyer!!
“When I search more thoroughly”, “I find that it is rather a kind of fashion. And if it is a fashion, therefore it is a matter that does not need that much attention. It is just necessary to show some patience and kindness to people who are addicted to a certain fashion.
Bergoglio on the Traditional Latin Mass – February 2014

It's been two months since Pope Francis's last confession that he misses pizza. He just wanted you to know, in case you wanted an update on his pizza cravings (they are still there). He would also like to add that he specifically misses pizza eaten in a pizza parlor. "Ordering one in the Vatican," he says, "is not the same thing.” So thanks for the people who hand-delivered a pizza to the Pope Mobile, but, sigh ... it's so lonely eating a pizza by yourself, especially when Angela Merkel keeps promising to eat pizza with you and then doesn't follow through. However, the pope does not miss television, although he can strangely remember the exact day he stopped watching it (July 15,1990) But he does miss pizzerias, did he tell you?
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