Not a peep from Newchurch pope and ilk. Silent as usual...
RUSH: What
Barack Obama has done regarding this upcoming visit by the pope, have you seen
this? Have you seen the guest list that
he's invited to the White House to meet the pope? Well, let me just share with you. The White House, Obama has invited several
opponents of Catholicism and Catholic teaching to meet and greet Il Papa in
He's gonna have a nun who is
pro-abortion. He's gonna have a transvestite in there, a cross-dressing woman
and former co-chair of the Transgender Caucus for Dignity. A pro-abortion
religious sister. An openly gay Episcopal bishop, and two Catholic gay
This is the
group Obama has personally invited to the White House to meet the pope. Now, some people are saying that this is
perfectly Obama. He's got the pope coming, and he wants to insult the pope, put
pressure on the pope, and challenge the pope, 'cause the Catholic Church -- and
Obama's a leftist, and leftists hate the Catholic Church. Do not doubt me on that. The Catholic Church is in the top five of
all-time biggest enemies for the American left and the worldwide left. And so here is, in one possibility, it is a
designed effort to humiliate, challenge, make nervous, make uncomfortable the
pope. However, there's another
There's another
possibility. What if -- and I'm just
throwing it out there as a possibility -- what if the pope has requested a
group like this? If I were to be told
that, it would give me pause, but I would not be totally surprised. I'm not at all surprised that Obama would do
this as an in-your-face gesture to the pope.
That doesn't surprise me at all.
And I got to thinking, would I be surprised if somebody told me,
"No, no, no. This is who the pope
wants to be there"? You're
frowning. You don't think that could be
possible, do you? Then you aren't paying
attention to what's happening out there.
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