Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus
St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, ora pro nobis!

Francis Effect: Pope’s niece Cristina Bergoglio ‘not religious but spiritual’ – uncle will fix outdated Church thinking!!!


Niece of pope displays art at exhibit in Miami.  Art exhibit open to public at Conrad Hotel!!

Bergoglio said she is not religious, but spiritual and she doesn’t subscribe to any one religion!!!!! Why is he okay with this??
Does Bergoglio even believe in a horrid  place called Hell??? One would think the Bishop of Rome would encourage her to amend her ways!!!!!  Who am I to judge is from hell. Call me Judas is a false teacher!!
(Local 10.com)There’s a new art exhibit in Miami in an unlikely place and by an unlikely artist. Pope Francis’ niece and artist Cristina Bergoglio has her works on display at the Conrad Hotel in Brickell.
With strong masculine geometrical figures and feminine touches of texture and light, the Argentinian artist explained her urban compositions and her uncle in a Skype interview with Local 10’s Mark Jackman.
Bergoglio said she is not religious, but spiritual and she doesn’t subscribe to any one religion.
“I’m not afraid to say I see the church as outdated, and that’s why I believe life has put my uncle to renew this certain system of thought that was getting stagnated,” said Bergoglio.
The art exhibit shares a space with the restaurant and bar on the 25th floor and is open to the public.
In our time many Catholic Priests, bishops and Cardinals, as well as lay persons are losing the sense of dogma.  They are forgetting that if they do not safeguard their faith sufficiently, so that they culpably deny or even doubt one dogma a doctrine of the Catholic faith that has been infallibly taught by Jesus Christ through His Catholic Church then they commit a mortal sin. If they do not repent of this sin and make a worthy confession [or an act of Perfect Contrition on their deathbed] then they shall go to Hell for all eternity. Saint Thomas Aquinas teaches that sins against Faith are among the greatest of sins.
Some people are losing the sense of dogma because they do not sufficiently guard their minds against false ideas, teachings and doctrines which seek to supplant or to suppress, or to undermine their Catholic faith. Others, by never trying to understand or not seeking to know what the real teachings of Jesus Christ and His Catholic Church are, do not even recognize that they have bought into the lies of the age which exclude them from accepting the teaching of the Gospel in one or many points. We are in fact living through the age of Apostasy: the period of time foretold in Sacred Scripture by Jesus Christ Himself, as well as by St. Paul. The sin of heresy constitutes denying one or more dogmas of the Faith, and this is a mortal sin that sends souls to Hell. Yet Apostasy is much worse. The sin of apostasy is the rejecting of [or much of] the Gospel. And this age of Apostasy is upon us. We must preserve the dogma of the Faith. In the great Apostasy, a great number of people lose their path because they do not preserve the dogma of the Faith sacrosanct in their minds, hearts and souls. Let us also not forget to take heed to Our Lord Jesus Christ’s words to Sister Lucy of Fatima: “Pray great deal for the Holy Father”.  - Fr. Nicholas Gruner
It  is obvious Bergoglio lives and preaches the word according to Francis-Bergoglio.
Jesus often speaks of “Gehenna” of “the unquenchable fire” reserved for those who to the end of their lives refuse to believe and be converted, where both soul and body can be lost. Jesus solemnly proclaims that he “will send his angels, and they will gather. . . all evil doers, and throw them into the furnace of fire”, and that he will pronounce the condemnation: “Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire!”

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