Procession of Corpus Christi June 19, 2014
"Citta 'del Vaticano, June 19, 2014 ( Zenit.org )
Change of program for tonight at the celebration of Corpus Christi in
the churchyard of St. John Lateran.
At the end of the Mass presided over by him in front of the Basilica,
the Pope will not take part in the traditional procession with the Blessed
Sacrament, but will travel directly to car pool, the Piazza di Santa Maria
Maggiore to await the faithful, led by Cardinal Agostino Vallini .
Then conclude the procession with the solemn blessing.
This was announced by Father Federico Lombardi, director of the Vatican
press office, reporting that the Pope "has decided to give up the long
journey on foot on Merulana between the two basilicas, also in view of future
commitments," in particular the trip to Cassano all'Jonio, in Calabria, in
just two days. (Risum teneatis!)
At the same time - says a Vatican spokesman - the Pope "prefer not
to make the journey on the car pool, so, in the spirit of today's celebration,
the faithful's attention remains focused instead on the exposed Blessed
Sacrament and carried in procession" ( Risum teneatis! ).
Although we were aware of this amazing and funny "tissue" of
the Vatican Press eugualmente we expected a spirit of trust, nurtured by
Christian hope, that the Holy Father, maybe a little invigorated by some
vitamin, could participate at least in the final stretch of the procession the
Solemnity of Corpus Christi Year of the Lord 2014.
Unfortunately it was not so.
A mother, in tears, said (live): "The Pope has deserted the Corpus
Christi procession, there was NEVER kneeling and after Mass, in the churchyard
of St. John, with the car is reappearing in sheltered St. Mary Major for the
blessing ..... for the first time a Pope leaves his flock to the Corpus Christi
procession, he's too humble, more than Jesus Christ. " (More humble than
all his predecessors ... How can we forget St. John Paul II - seriously impeded
in the body - which has accompanied with great devotion "your" Lord
prcessione in the streets of the City! Ed)
What should we add to the words of the mother for what happened yesterday
in Rome?
We feel, however, that the faithful is increasing the need, the desire
of the "sacred" prayer and penance.
forced the transplants in recent months of a faith from a sociological /
sessantottino are experiencing a (hold and irreversible) rejection crisis in
People simpler then those nearest to God
The Corpus Christi procession for the first time in history (modern)
remained orphan Pope's
only because of our sins!
We hope that the Pope, so careful to observe the "suburbs existential"
has at least looked at the multitude of the faithful who devoutly participated
in the procession, filling the streets of San Giovanni and Santa Maria
Maggiore: women, men, children and the elderly, all hungry for sacred asking
God, a voice dicentes, only one thing:
the faith of our fathers !

It's immensely pleased that the Holy Father is able to kneel (Olympic
Stadium June 1, 2014, Convocation of the Ecclesial Movement of Renewal in the
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