Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus
St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, ora pro nobis!

Sarajevo, 100 years later...

The city of Sarajevo recalls attack the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, a hundred years ago, and that makes also confront their recent past: the war in Bosnia.

In that attack was assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary and his wife, Sofia Chotek, and the fact is considered key in the outbreak of the 1st World War."I hope not to have to mourn when singing in Vijećnica" says Zelika Katavic, choir singer Bosnian National Theater, referring to the former National Library of Sarajevo, which will be presented on the evening of June 28 with the Philharmonic Vienna, during the commemoration of 100 years of the Bombing of Sarajevo.
Sarajevo was destroyed during the Bosnian war.
Sarajevo was destroyed during the Bosnian war.
The Vijećnica also part of another story: a beginning of the Bosnian War in 1992, the Serbs shelled the building occupants, who at that time was the National Library of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Books and writings of all religions and cultures that had survived for centuries were destroyed. This works in the Ottoman Empire and written in Latin and Serbian, ie multicultural priceless treasure lost. In August 1992, neighbors and librarians tried to save what could be risking his own life. It was an attack on a symbol of the peaceful and multiethnic coexistence in the country in which Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs lived.
For a hero; other murderer
The couple heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, shortly before the bombings of Sarajevo.
The couple heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, shortly before the bombings of Sarajevo.
The Bombing of Sarajevo remembered in that city as the crime of a Serbian nationalist, Gavrilo Princip young. The political class in the Serb region of Bosnia, however, Princip celebrated as a hero who fought against the Austro-Hungarian oppression. That's why, one hundred years of the attack met, organized a counter-demonstration in Visegrad region of Bosnia Serb majority. There Andricgrad village, designed by Serbian filmmaker Emir Kusturica reflecting their ideal of a mini-Serbia will open. In the east of Sarajevo, Mayor Liubisa Cosic, ordered to build a monument of Gavrilo Princip three meters high. "It is important to maintain a link with our history," Cosic said.
"A Nelson Mandela"
Emir Kusturica, Serbian filmmaker.
Emir Kusturica, Serbian filmmaker.
Nationalist sentiment in Serbia also pokes.The historian Dusan Batakovic, Academy of Sciences, argues that Gavrilo Princip is a symbol of freedom. "It's appalling terrorist qualify someone who fought against colonial rule. I say Gavrilo Princip was a Nelson Mandela perhaps used the wrong means, but that was legitimate in the early twentieth century. " Batakovic goes even further: concert of the Vienna Philharmonic in Sarajevo, Austria intended to distract from the fact that it is responsible for WW1 he says.

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