Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus
St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, ora pro nobis!

Conciliar disorientation and clarity of tradition

(Rome) The Second Vatican Council was the start to a new flower be, to a new “spring” church charisma and strong religious faith of the people. The council, at least that the conviction not less prelates, clergy and laity of the 60s, will make “all things” new, especially the relationship between society and the Church. By the Council will Christianity all people, all ideologies, even embracing all other religions and in a new, through and merge through the Christian world.
fifty years after the balance sheet is frightening sobering.Expectations and reality could hardly diverge radically.
And yet some still undaunted agree to the praises of the council.An attitude for the mainly impose two explanations. Some, because they welcome the negative effects in the post-conciliar internally. The others, because they exert themselves in denial of reality and try these effects to which they object inside, desperately to ignore, because criticism of the council was successfully made a taboo.
So where does the beginning of the 21st century, the weakness of the church in the West? According to a caricature of the tradition-bound American website The Remnant from their post-conciliar disorientation. In other words, from the mistaken belief that the Church must in its interior, a replica of the plurality of the world, instead of being a clear voice in a pluralistic world.

Necessity for salvation of the Church

Today, many doubt the necessity for salvation of the Church. Can it be that there is no salvation outside the Church?The only question is more rhetorical, comparable to the question of Pontius Pilate: “What is truth?” The question form dressed in a statement relativists. Similarly relativistic is the cultural climate today. Each “truth” is allowed, except for the absolute truth, the Incarnate Truth. It may not exist. It is not permitted as the sole, because it would make all other “truths” in question. The prevailing climate is also subjective, because everyone can lay out the “truth” that he wants.
The Church teaches something entirely different. The necessity for salvation for every human being remains unchanged and independent of just the current fashionable trends of thought. extra Ecclesiam nulla salus is the concise set of fathers. No arrogance, but irrefutable part of the truth of faith, which was repeated by the Fathers and the Magisterium throughout the Church’s history. Here is a brief compilation, based on an article published a few years ago contribution in the weekly magazine Il Padre Pio di Settimanale based. A magazine of the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception is published, the more recently – as their provisional managed brothers – traditionally hostile Visitatorinnen are exposed.

The fathers

Origen (185-254): “(…) no one deceive himself: outside this house, outside the church saves no one” (Homil.3, in Iosue 5).
Cyprian of Carthage (200-258): “Outside the Ark Flood and death; outside the church condemnation “(De Unitate Ecclesiae, VI).
Lactantius (250-320): “Only the Catholic Church has the true cult. In it is the source of truth, the seat of faith, the temple of God; who does not enter into it or goes out of it, has no hope for life or salvation “(Institutiones Divinae 4.30, II).
Jerome (347-420): “I know that the church was built on this rock [the Chair of Peter]. Anyone who eats the Lamb outside this house is profane. If someone is not in the ark of Noah, he is in the deluge perish “(Epistola ad Damasum, 2).
Augustine (354-430): “Man can not attain salvation except in the Catholic Church. Outside the Church he can have everything, but not the cure. He can have honor, have Sacraments, he can, Hallelujah ‘sing’ Amen ‘reply, he may have the gospel, preach the faith and the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, but nowhere if not in the Catholic Church he will be able to find salvation “(Sermo ad Ecclesiam Caesarienses plebem, 6).
And again Augustine: “Anyone who is separated from the Catholic Church, for the divine wrath determined” (Epistola CXLI).

The Magisterium

Fourth Lateran Council (1215): “Outside the Church, no one can, absolutely, absolutely be saved.”
Pius IX. (1792-1878): “(…) outside of it [the Catholic Church] no true faith is still the eternal salvation, because you can not have God as his Father, if one has not the Church for mother, and wrongly can someone of illusion, however, to belong to the Church, if he is separated from the See of Peter on which the Church is built “(Singulari quidam, 22).
Pius XII. (1876-1958): “Among the things that has always preached the church and they will never cease to teach, is this infallible statement, which states that outside the Church there is no salvation” (letter to the Holy Office November 8, 1949).
John XXIII. (1881-1963): “(…) people can only attain salvation with certainty when they are connected to it [the Roman Pontiff], because the Roman Pontiff is the Vicar of Christ and the person representing on earth” (Homily on Coronation Day, November 4, 1958).
And even the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) can also be read as follows: “All people who know the Catholic Church and know what is willed by God through Christ necessary for salvation, but do not go to church or do not have the resistance to stay in it, can not be saved “(Lumen Gentium, 16).
Likewise: “For according to the will of Christ is the Catholic Church, the teacher of truth; their job is to preach the truth which is Christ, and to teach authentic, at the same time, authoritatively to explain the principles of the moral order, resulting from the nature of man himself and to confirm “(Dignitatis Humanae, 14)
. Pope John Paul II (1920-2005) by Dignitatis Humanae quoted: “For according to the will of Christ is the Catholic Church, the teacher of truth; their task is to proclaim the truth which is Christ, and authentically teaching, at the same time, authoritatively to explain the principles of the moral order, resulting from the nature of man himself and to confirm “(Veritatis Splendor, 64).

The New Testament

“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature! He who believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned “(Mark 16.15 to 16).
“He who hears you, hears me; and he that despiseth you despiseth me; but he who despises me, the “(Luke 10:16) despises him that sent me.
“And I say unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18).
“If they do not receive you, and does not listen to your words, so going away from that house or city, shake off the dust from your Fü0en” (Matthew 10:14).
“He will not hear on these, tell the community; he listens to the community does not, then he be unto thee as the heathen and like the publican “(Matthew 18:17).
“But even if we or an angel from heaven preached unto you any other gospel than we have preached to you, let him be accursed” (Galatians 1.8).
If the Church for the salvation would not be necessary, why would Jesus sent the disciples with the mission to proclaim the Gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth? The order would also be “covered” and “pointless” as ultimately the cross that Christ has taken upon himself, if that’s not the salvation of the people would be connected. If you want to the sacrifice of Christ, not cancel his suffering and death, it is the necessity for salvation of the Church recognize. Because outside of it there is no salvation.
Text: Il Padre Pio di Settimanale / Martha Weinzl

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