Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus
St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, ora pro nobis!

Obama throws Pope Francis under the bus in aftermath of Cuba prisoner swap

While President Barack Obama's sycophants breathlessly announced the prisoner trade that led to the release of American Alan Gross from a Cuban dungeon, a large firestorm erupted in the United States and sharp criticism of Obama's prisoner swap was leveled at the President over yet another unilateral move that was obviously mismanaged. As a result, Obama and his minions are now telling Americans that it was the leader of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis, who is responsible for brokering Gross' release and his return to the U.S. on Wednesday. In essence, America's de facto supreme leader is throwing the Prince of the Catholic Church under the bus, say critics. In what was originally called a humanitarian prisoner exchange between President Obama and the Castro regime in Cuba, is now being "corrected" by the Obama White House. For example, Obama and his team are claiming their actions in getting Gross' released by the Cubans has nothing to do with the freeing of three Cuban intelligence officers convicted of espionage. All three were most recently held in North Carolina at a federal medical facility for the U.S. Bureau of Prisons.
In addition, while many believed Obama would take another one of his "victory laps" heralding the successful achievement of bring an American prisoner home, he is claiming that it was through the tireless efforts of Pope Francis and the Vatican that the 65-year-old Gross is free and back in the United States. Some believe it was a statement made by Democrat Sen. Robert Menendez of New Jersey that blasted Obama's actions as well as statements by other Cuban Americans who feel betrayed by the President.
What is angering them even more than the prisoner trade and the apparent blaming of the Holy See for what's called a "Bergdahl 2" decision, is Obama's claim that the U.S. and Cuba are going to immediately begin talks to restore diplomatic relations. Despite actions that were passed by the U.S. Congress under past presidents, Obama unilaterally promised that In the coming months the Secretary of State John Kerry and his minions will work to re-establish an embassy in Havana, Obama stated.

Continue reading: Examiner.com

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